High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

Harvest, beans, either, both, I'm up for whatever

cause I know for a fact I'd rock that light LOL
a little far away to send a harvest, but beans are a different story, Let's talk.
I may need a little something in the deal though. If LED doesn't rock it, you have to smack TTYStiKk for me.:bigjoint:
Rocking my 55 gallon TLUD biochar retorts today. I have a shit ton of char. Inoculating with chicken shit this weekend, then grinding.

Fine tuning the variables such as ventilation and feed stock, then make an illustrated tutorial online for anyone. This is too good a product and too simple to make.
Linked you to one for $999 8)

you buy it for me and I'll give ya the harvest 8)

Stop trying to be independent/original with this. If you want someone to buy LEDs for you (so you can experiment), buy what people suggest to the T rather than just sporadically buying some piece of garbage and drawing conclusions based on that. Consider that we actually know what we're doing and that you should listen to someone else for once.

Trust me, if what you buy isn't up to snuff, the experiment will be totally worthless.. (not to mention you'll have wasted a lot of someone's money)
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Stop trying to be independent/original with this. If you want someone to buy LEDs for you (so you can experiment), buy what people suggest to the T rather than just sporadically buying some piece of garbage and drawing conclusions based on that. Consider that we actually know what we're doing and that you should listen to someone else for once.

Trust me, if what you buy isn't up to snuff, the experiment will be totally worthless.. (not to mention you'll have wasted a lot of someone's money)
It's not a conventional grow light, it is from a totally different industry and I have already experimented with a smaller version. Church, Brother, I really do have a clue and I really do understand light. No conclusions are being drawn 8)
This thread itself is a good example of one where the OP didn't listen to instructions when building his panel, and drew conclusions based on thinking it's an 800W lamp. I have no idea what other assumptions he's making because he won't tell us anything about the components he chose or show us pictures from the grow.

Yet somehow viewers of this thread have also drawn conclusions based on this 588W lamp "failing" to compete with a 1000W HPS with no pictures.
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It's not a conventional grow light, it is from a totally different industry and I have already experimented with a smaller version. Church, Brother, I really do have a clue and I really do understand light. No conclusions are being drawn 8)

No seriously, please run that lamp through the "led church" before buying it. You grow with T5 bro... You clearly don't know what you're doing when it comes to choosing lamps! You aren't too smart to stop for directions, trust me. (try following some other RIU users...)

Don't be stubborn. Show us what you want to buy.
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No seriously, please run that lamp through the "led church" before buying it. You grow with T5 bro... You clearly don't know what you're doing when it comes to choosing lamps! You aren't too smart to stop for directions, trust me. (try following some other RIU users...)

Don't be stubborn. Show us what you want to buy.
My fav post of the day LMFAO 8)
Just for shits and giggles.. COB's would actaully work pretty well in an EZ bake oven. I have crazy thoughts all the time about putting together a microwave out of cobs. (that's basically what they are).

If you put a cob panel on your floor for just 10-20 seconds, you'll have dark burn marks where the cobs irradiated the wood. Seriously, be careful with these things. It's hard to tell from pictures, but they're actually dangerously bright. Bright enough to instantly burn holes in your clothing.
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My fav post of the day LMFAO 8)

Seriously, get your head out of your ass and tell people what you plan on buying. You're asking people to send you 1000 dollars so you can pull a mystery light out of a grab bag just to show us what we already know. (that HPS is cheaper and produces more light)

Almost everyone who buys LED's without asking first ends up getting garbage they regret buying. This is why LED's have such a terrible reputation in the first place, and you're just perpetuating that needlessly. Fools go out and buy LEDs without knowing what they're buying and end up buying something that can't even stand up to HPS. Why should I expect you to do otherwise, especially with what you're growing with now...

Quit wasting your time and money and go buy an HPS lamp.
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Just for shits and giggles.. COB's would actaully work pretty well in an EZ bake oven. I have crazy thoughts all the time about putting together a microwave out of cobs. (that's basically what they are).

If you put a cob panel on your floor for just 10-20 seconds, you'll have dark burn marks where the cobs irradiated the wood. Seriously, be careful with these things. It's hard to tell from pictures, but they're actually dangerously bright. Bright enough to instantly burn ties.
saw that on a friends work bench
Seriously, get your head out of your ass and tell people what you plan on buying. You're asking people to send you 1000 dollars so you can pull a mystery light out of a grab bag just to show us what we already know. (that HPS is likely cheaper and produces more light)

Almost everyone who buys LED's without asking first ends up getting garbage they regret buying. This is why LED's have such a terrible reputation in the first place, and you're just perpetuating that needlessly. Fools go out and buy LEDs without knowing what they're buying and end up buying something that can't even stand up to HPS. Why should I expect you to do otherwise, especially with what you're growing with now...

Quit wasting your time and money and go buy an HPS lamp.
Church, first off I've been an electronics tech for over 40 years, I go back to tube TV's. I regularly do component level repairs on puter motherboards. I could not only design lights, I could design the power supplies you guys use to fire em. You really have no idea who I am my mentors were A) the guy that designed the first all solid state TV and B) the guy that designed the guidance system for the F-14.

And no not gonna reveal the secret light until I have a grow under it 8)

I promise it will not give LED a bad name
Church, first off I've been an electronics tech for over 40 years, I go back to tube TV's. I regularly do component level repairs on puter motherboards. I could not only design lights, I could design the power supplies you guys use to fire em. You really have no idea who I am my mentors were A) the guy that designed the first all solid state TV and B) the guy that designed the guidance system for the F-14.

And no not gonna reveal the secret light until I have a grow under it 8)

I promise it will not give LED a bad name

That is a lot of experience as a tech and I respect technicians (I've been one myself), but at the same time, technicians usually don't do much in terms of design. They usually just wire things together and screw fasteners into holes. A technician is not who you'd hire to design specifications (not that there aren't technicians that could do it, but technicians generally don't do any design).

All that being said, I don't really care what your background is if you're not using (actively avoiding) the "bibled church numbers". How efficient is this lamp you're planning on using? What is the spectral distribution? What kind of current driver to you plan on using? (we all tend to use the same one for a reason btw.. it's 94% efficient with active power factor correction and the cheapest anyone can find)

Really, if you wanted to put your technicians skills to use, it would be best to copy someone else's design first.
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