Mother's Days almost here.

Taking my mother in law out to one of those steak chains, Kansas roadhouse or something. That's what she wants. My mom has been gone for almost 4 years now.
I think all the holidays are weird. Every one of them. Like easter? Who came up with that idea with the eggs?....
I think the egg thing has its roots in ancient pagan stuff for new birth and fertility etc. Not sure though. Most holidays were invented by greeting card companies. I don't like having to be told when to celebrate something. If I want to honor how long I've been married (wedding anniversary) or give candy to the ones(s) I love (Valentine's) or Celebrate trees (arbor day) I do it when I'm moved to do so, to when the calendar says I should.
I think the egg thing has its roots in ancient pagan stuff for new birth and fertility etc. Not sure though. Most holidays were invented by greeting card companies. I don't like having to be told when to celebrate something. If I want to honor how long I've been married (wedding anniversary) or give candy to the ones(s) I love (Valentine's) or Celebrate trees (arbor day) I do it when I'm moved to do so, to when the calendar says I should.
i only do it when the sex is good. Calendar holodays are,way better when theres all the love. Holidays can be fun with enongh drinks. :):):)
My wife just recently lost her mother! It's been tough but I been waiting on this day! I told her I'm here for her. Whatever she needs or wants to do.

My mother is still living but has stage 4 lupus. There's nothing they can do. But I'm not ready for the inevitable. It's bitter sweet, just got to remember all the great memories.

Happy mother's day to all you baby mamas:peace:
My wife just recently lost her mother! It's been tough but I been waiting on this day! I told her I'm here for her. Whatever she needs or wants to do.

My mother is still living but has stage 4 lupus. There's nothing they can do. But I'm not ready for the inevitable. It's bitter sweet, just got to remember all the great memories.

Happy mother's day to all you baby mamas:peace: