Cheers Will, yes lots of options...Fasttech have CXA2530 at $10 so yes pretty cheap. Probably worth keeping an eye on them, I wouldn't be surprised if they start selling the cobs we all want!
If you want to nerd out, crunch numbers, and do a build with more light spread, see if tme will sell you 4 citizen CLU048-1212s. You could run them on an HLG-60h-c350b, and be as efficient as a CXB3590, with much better spread.
180+ lm/w, about 8400 lumens in 46W spread over 4 cobs. Dimmable. That would be a really sweet setup.
Citizen can be a bitch about what countries it ships too, however.
You said about matching the watts, ok - but i thought equally important is matching the voltage of the leds with the voltage of the driver...or am i mistaken?
LPCs are an economical choice, but they don't dim. Could you source or recycle an old laptop or other type of 36v DC power supply (pictured). then you could run meanwell LDD bucking drivers on DC power. these ldds are available in 1500ma flavors now. and you could expand and add some red that your tomatoes, microgreens etc might want
also, I dont know if a single cob is the right choice here. perhaps a series of Cree XM-L2, XPL, MKR, or XHP30,50,70s would give you a more diffuse and spread out lighting array.
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I might do something on this. But the principle is pretty simple.I would love a video on this.
I'm planning an indoor vegetable garden on a 4 tiered metal shelf. Was going to do some clip lighting underneath, but the T5 lighting is just too expensive and it doesn't make sense to spend ~$400 for what's supposed to be cheap fresh veggies.
Hard to beat going to Goodwill and getting a laptop driver for $2. Would be nice to know what to look for, and how many XM-L2s you could drive on one
That might not have even answered your question, but I hope it did a little.
I built my first light for veg with the CXA2530 from Fasttech. I used Intel cpu coolers I got cheap on Ebay. I quickly decided active cooling(with fans) is a ball ache and switched to passive
I run 10x CXA2530 @500ma(Meanwell HLG-185-500B) 7 COBs in 4600k and 3 in 2700k. I replaced the CPU coolers with Finned profiles 165mm x 100mm x 35mm. Also made another fixture with the same setup but 7 COBs in 2700k and 3 in 4600k. Basically watched Growmau5's mega veg panel video on youtube bought 10 CXA in 4600k from the video and in the comments section he mentioned 2700k from Newark (who spanked me a bit on shipping to the U.K.). After that I joined this forum and digested everyone's advice. Not long after that I was ordering CXB3590s and away we go.Will, so you didnt need the pc fans on the CXA2530s? What current were you putting through tthem?
I was thinking
Since this is a small space, that will fit nicely inside a 30x30 space, look slick, and you can stick a 120mm pc fan on it if you want to be fancy, but it will work passively if I did the math right.
@Will Thayer at 500ma he'd be over 10,000 lm/sq ft? That might be tough to manage without height to raise or a dimming option. I figured 350ma was safer, and still more light than most people run.