EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I'm sure you wouldn't but go Bernie :roll:
You understand most of Sanders supporters support him for more than just his anti-war record, right? His primary platform includes regulating the financial industry. I'd guess that's probably why most people support him
Bernie has just as much war hawk in him as Hillary.
That's demonstrably bullshit and it makes you look desperate for Sanders supporters votes. What you should say is "At least she's not as bad as the republicans"
Regulating the financial industry has been going on the one problem is the president is not the one who passes the laws.....

Bernie sanders biggest supporters are free college and legal weed we all know it and we all see it.

Those are his biggest things...other than that he talks about rehashed things that have been discussed many times in the past and many times during this presidents terms.

Let me get this part straight.......The President does not write or pass any bills ever it is done by the Congress.

So if you start showing up every 2 years to Vote and do it for another 20-30 years straight like many of us already have been doing you might see some change down the road.

But if you crawl back into the abyss of I dont care and it doesn't matter nothing will ever change or will will take decades longer.

The change you make happen over the next 20-30 years is not for you, but your kids and your grandchildren.

There is a lot of work to do at the state level and the federal level I hope to see you out there every year at every vote.
...neither of which Mrs Clinton has said a fucking word about, which tells us Bernie Backers everything we need to know about the influence of corporate funding in Shillary's campaign.

That's a flat out lie she has discussed it you just dont listen. Youre the type buying into and spreading all the FOX news and right wing republican crap IMHO. So keep sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALALALA see how well that works over the next 20-30 years.
You know whats really gonna be great is when Bernie backs Hillary 100% and then you can see just where he really stands.
How's that? Are you implying that if he backs Clinton, his statements about campaign finance reform or anything else he's said during this campaign are untrue?

If/when he backs Clinton, it will be only because he thinks a republican candidate would be worse, not because he supports everything Clinton says
Just post under your other name @londonfog. Even an asswipe like uncleben can see through this facade.

LOL! think what you may but there are a lot more voting for Hillary Clinton than anyone else this year.

And Bernie Sanders will back her shortly and then what?

Are you gonna turn tail and run because Bernie didn't fight to the death?

Did you ever hear of the term sheepdog in politics? This is what bernie is doing this year.

He's gathering up the lost sheep and bringing as many of them as he can to the democratic side.

He knows his role and he is playing very well.
You know whats really gonna be great is when Bernie backs Hillary 100% and then you can see just where he really stands.
Bernie will back Hillary for he don't stand a chance in hell to beat her.TRUMP is the only hope America has this election..ky
Did you ever hear of the term sheepdog in politics? This is what bernie is doing this year.

He's gathering up the lost sheep and bringing as many of them as he can to the democratic side.

He knows his role and he is playing very well.
How's that when the people Sanders has brought in want regulation of the financial industry and Clinton has been taking campaign contributions and giving hundred thousand dollar speeches to... the financial industry...?

Why is there a significant "Bernie or bust" movement within the democratic party?

Why are people like londonfog tirelessly promoting the idea that if you support Sanders, then you also must support Clinton?

The people Sanders has brought into the political process are largely opposed to Clinton and the moneyed interests that influence politics. Her only saving grace is the appointments to the Supreme Court and the fact that the republican party is in shambles. If there were a strong republican candidate facing Clinton who argued legitimate issues and dropped the fundamentalist rhetoric, she would be in trouble. The idea that "well, she's the best they have to offer" is a far cry from a presidential run like Lincoln or FDR faced.. She will largely be seen as the best of the worst presidential options unless her administration pulls off something significant.
How's that when the people Sanders has brought in want regulation of the financial industry and Clinton has been taking campaign contributions and giving hundred thousand dollar speeches to... the financial industry...?

Why is there a significant "Bernie or bust" movement within the democratic party?

Why are people like londonfog tirelessly promoting the idea that if you support Sanders, then you also must support Clinton?

The people Sanders has brought into the political process are largely opposed to Clinton and the moneyed interests that influence politics. Her only saving grace is the appointments to the Supreme Court and the fact that the republican party is in shambles. If there were a strong republican candidate facing Clinton who argued legitimate issues and dropped the fundamentalist rhetoric, she would be in trouble. The idea that "well, she's the best they have to offer" is a far cry from a presidential run like Lincoln or FDR faced.. She will largely be seen as the best of the worst presidential options unless her administration pulls off something significant.

The Facts are they took a Poll and way more Hillary people said they wouldn't back Bernie.......lol! TRUTH!