not plant related . fence related . ok kind of plant related .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I need to put up a privacy fence . and the cheapest slice of wood fence is 30 bucks its 6 foot tall and 8 foot wide. home depot . I don't want it to look like total shit . but want to get it cheaper . does anybody have any ideas ? I can stop being a cheap ass if that what it takes . not concerned about strength of the fence . security is not an issue . just needs to look ok and stop my a hole neighbors from starring at my sexy ladies .
I need to put up a privacy fence . and the cheapest slice of wood fence is 30 bucks its 6 foot tall and 8 foot wide. home depot . I don't want it to look like total shit . but want to get it cheaper . does anybody have any ideas ? I can stop being a cheap ass if that what it takes . not concerned about strength of the fence . security is not an issue . just needs to look ok and stop my a hole neighbors from starring at my sexy ladies .
$30 for a 6x8 section :o! You won't get cheaper than that lol.
Get cheap ass fence.

Color cheap ass fence fancy color with fancy paint.

Add fancy gate.

You're golden!
I need to put up a privacy fence . and the cheapest slice of wood fence is 30 bucks its 6 foot tall and 8 foot wide. home depot . I don't want it to look like total shit . but want to get it cheaper . does anybody have any ideas ? I can stop being a cheap ass if that what it takes . not concerned about strength of the fence . security is not an issue . just needs to look ok and stop my a hole neighbors from starring at my sexy ladies .
Your still going to need 2 posts and some concrete. Unless you have another way to keep the fence panel upright.
lot of work ahead of me . I will start working on it today have it done by the end of the week .found a kit if you will . have to put the fence panels together my self saves me 6 dollars per section and the quality is actually a lot better building them my self
lot of work ahead of me . I will start working on it today have it done by the end of the week .found a kit if you will . have to put the fence panels together my self saves me 6 dollars per section and the quality is actually a lot better building them my self
It will take a couple years but put some abrovitae tree fence around your yard. You can grow your own for free and they grow 5 feet a year. Or you can just use plywood instead of fencing. Ghetto but your neighbors cant see through plywood. Good Luck
If you are only worried about seeing in, you can use the bamboo rolls from home depot..I've used em before and they work pretty good for one season.. Much cheaper than lumber.
Go with the best you can afford plant something nice a climber in front of it something fragrent,this will help hide the smell in years to come,I have used ivy before too ,that grows like wild fire and also works to hide the plant.

I just repaired our fence out back that the wind destroyed in order to satisfy our insurance provider. Anything cheap will just be crap in a few months. We had neighbors at the old house use those less expensive pre-built panels from home depot or lowes. After a year they look terrible and are falling apart.

Our neighbor across the street recently put up a new fence and it now looks like crap due to the warped boards.

I replaced all of the post's and cross boards and reused what I could of the upright boards but had to purchase some new ones. After 3 weeks the new boards are already warping and the old ones are flat as can be after 20 something years. We will be replacing all of the fence soon with vinyl.
lot of work ahead of me . I will start working on it today have it done by the end of the week .found a kit if you will . have to put the fence panels together my self saves me 6 dollars per section and the quality is actually a lot better building them my self
get some good stain on it before putting up,it will last10 times longer:bigjoint:
just went to lowes and bought all my material . its going to be good privacy and security now . just went out and dropped a grand . its well worth it . don't have to put up with my stupid neibors