EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I'm amazed you have to explain the conflict of interest.

I mean, the notion that corporations would spend millions on political campaigns and NOT expect anything in return is laughable!

It turns out the ROI on campaign bribery is extremely attractive from the corporate perspective. The only losers in the bargain? The average American taxpaying citizen, but why should anyone care about THEM?

(cuz them is us)

Which is why you need to remove the power from the government that compels corporations to donate to political campaigns.
Which is why you need to remove the power from the government that compels corporations to donate to political campaigns.

Right. By prohibiting every fucking dime of it, under pain of long prison sentences and massive penalties of SHAREHOLDER value.
Right. By prohibiting every fucking dime of it, under pain of long prison sentences and massive penalties of SHAREHOLDER value.

You cant legally go after shareholders for what a corporation does.

It would be like guns. Only the criminal politicians would have funding. LOL!!! Kinda like making guns and/or drugs illegal eh? You want a political mafia to be in power?

Do you guys think these things through?

How about taking power back and localizing it so corporations were not forced to pay bribes to politicians... Oh wait, that would be addressing the problem and not a symptom, NM....
I'm amazed you have to explain the conflict of interest.

I mean, the notion that corporations would spend millions on political campaigns and NOT expect anything in return is laughable!

It turns out the ROI on campaign bribery is extremely attractive from the corporate perspective. The only losers in the bargain? The average American taxpaying citizen, but why should anyone care about THEM?

(cuz them is us)
We have a couple of people here that don't really care if Hillary is a Wall St shill. While a Trump win would be a disaster for the US, continued predation by the likes of Goldman and the Kochs is also leading us to disaster albeit more slowly and without the fascism that Trump would bring. So, how do you want to be cooked? Quickly or slowly? The correct answer is not at all.
Bernie should take West Virginia, I see Hillary is walking back her coal comments from 45 days ago..smh

She finally says something I agree with and does a 180 as soon as she lands in coal country. :wall:
We have a couple of people here that don't really care if Hillary is a Wall St shill. While a Trump win would be a disaster for the US, continued predation by the likes of Goldman and the Kochs is also leading us to disaster albeit more slowly and without the fascism that Trump would bring. So, how do you want to be cooked? Quickly or slowly? The correct answer is not at all.

Hence, my support for Bernie Sanders.
Ignore the base, abuse your core constituencies- and watch them walk. No one owes Mrs Clinton any debts of loyalty, and it's clear that she's an establishment politician in the worst sense of the term; establishment over the objections of her supposed base of support.
and yet somehow she is still WINNING. Everything people have done and thrown at her for 25 years and that chick is still standing tall. Hell a warrior like that gets my vote.

The narrative that he isn't a serious candidate, that he has no chance, that he's behind and losing ground, that his supporters are just starry eyed liberals, that his campaign is just fluff...


So unless you're a multimillionaire shareholder in some of these megacorps, maybe it's in your political and economic best interest to support a candidate who cares about your problems and needs instead of those who've been busily buying influence at the expense of our collective future.
The narrative that he isn't a serious candidate, that he has no chance, that he's behind and losing ground, that his supporters are just starry eyed liberals, that his campaign is just fluff...


So unless you're a multimillionaire shareholder in some of these megacorps, maybe it's in your political and economic best interest to support a candidate who cares about your problems and needs instead of those who've been busily buying influence at the expense of our collective future.
too late

Young Lefties Love Bernie Sanders Because He's Lazy and Shiftless Just Like Them

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail

“The electricity was turned off a lot,” Barnett said. “I remember him running an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.”

He worked some as a carpenter, although “he was a shitty carpenter,” Bloch told me. “His carpentry,” Morrisseau said, “was not going to support him, and didn’t.”...

“He was always poor,” Sandy Baird, another old friend, told me in Burlington.

“Virtually unemployed,” said Nelson, the political science professor at the University of Vermont.

"He explained the origin of the money Sanders used to buy the Middlesex land and the carpentry he did on the sugar shack. He said Sanders received unemployment, “for a few months,” in 1971, though Sanders can’t remember what the job was that qualified him for the benefits."

In subsequent Liberty Union campaigns he advocated for “the doing away with all time limitations for unemployment benefits.”

Bernie Sanders was a parasite without the wealthy parents that many of his supporters have. He was unemployable and worthless. He apparently slept around. Finally he monetized his leftist political connections into an actual government job.

1.Ragged, unemployable with no useful skills

2. Lazy, shiftless bum in and out of office who is always clamoring for a "political revolution"

3. Blames all his problems on capitalism

4. Completely out of touch with reality
London..u starting to sound like uncleben...that ain't a good thing.
Can you tell me what was incorrect about anything I posted.
Did Bernie have a child out of wed lock ? YES
Did Bernie not start earning his first steady check at 40 ? YES
Did Bernie first wife leave him ? YES
Was Bernie always broke, not even paying his fucking bills ? Yes

Tell me if anything I posted about Bernard is wrong. What great thing has he done in congress other than name post offices. Not talking amendments because that is just add on to others ideas. What has Bernie accomplished with his own ideas and suggestions in the form of a bill ?

Why do you, Sky and ttystikk all talk like the same female ?