So, I'm "not the least bit informed" I don't think so. I just concern myself with the reality of the USA today, and that is that Sanders will 1st of all, never be the elected President of the country that has based it's economic system on capitalism since it's inception. So, Bernie is going to change all that, in 4 years? Give me a break.
2nd of all, thinking that there will be free college for all that want it, again in 1 term, facing a Congress full of Republicans, that has fought tooth and nail against the AHC Act for 8 fucking years, even though it was supported by the Supreme Court. Yea, hold you breath on that one (how will that be paid for, simply taxes? LOL)
3rd of all, I like the guy, but his shit ain't happening in this country in 2016, because most people over the age of 30 and that are male or female and white with college degrees, Hispanics and Blacks know all his righteous talk ain't going to do anything to help them now. and also because they have to live in reality, which means today They really don't care about Benghazi, emails or how much money she took for some speeches on Wall St. That's my "uninformed" opinion, so go ahead wish man, and tell me, seriously, how all Sanders dreams are going to get by Congress? I need to be enlightened.