getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

He ain't bullshittin one bit either about that juice. My seedlings and small plants really hit a growth spurt every time I hit em with it. Lush and green too. I never realized just how important all the trace minerals and elements are to plant growth. Amazing product man. I'd pay the shipping on a drum full no problem.
You should be able to do what getaway does mane. Ruby too or anyone who lives by the ocean with access to kelp. Hell when they were in Cali I remember somebody walking around the pool, mixing up the seaweed. It was foaming like hell and it seemed like when it was done foaming they strained and bottled. It made me research freshwater lake vegetation but it wasn't the same.
You should be able to do what getaway does mane. Ruby too or anyone who lives by the ocean with access to kelp. Hell when they were in Cali I remember somebody walking around the pool, mixing up the seaweed. It was foaming like hell and it seemed like when it was done foaming they strained and bottled. It made me research freshwater lake vegetation but it wasn't the same.
If I remember correctly he drove seaweed from Maine to Cali to make that batch.