EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Yeah. No news here, Bernie just packed another stadium while Shillary can't seem to get anyone to show up unless she pays them.

I'd ask wtf is wrong with this country bit I already know.

Corporate America best get its affairs in order. Their time is coming to an end.
I hope your rite..ky
That bitch should do the rite thing and just quit and back the burn but she is only in the raise for her and her famileys personal money gain.ky
Who picks the Supreme Court remains the most important point about this election. Where we're at right now has a lot to do with who appointed judges between 1980-2008...
IF she wins no one will ever have a legal black gun but the gangs..ky
Even the most ardent supporters for Hillary have nothing other than this strange notion that we should vote for Hillary because other people did. It's really all they've been saying for the past month or so. Dumb argument.

Dumb and as useless as a colander for storing water.

Where's the substantive debate? "Bring them to heel!"

I'm having trouble thinking of any reason to vote for her. The Bill & Shill show is winding down, I'm afraid. Their only chance now is to outright subvert the will of the people, but of course they're old hands at that.

Musashi warned against underestimating one's enemies. There's much more to come... like perhaps an FBI indictment.

Meanwhile, just the word that Bernie is coming to speak is enough to fill stadiums. The media blackout is enough to shred whatever credibility the corporate news machine may have had left.
Out of all the BernieBabies you might be the only one to take the time to read this. Tells why some people don't care for Bernie

Soooo the hard work is to compromise??

"The hard work is to draft a bill that your co-legislators can get behind.."

No thanks, bust up the good ol' network, bust up big money/slavery.

Shillary is in the tank for prison for profit...wall street huge exploiting profits..... walmart exploiting the welfare system subsidizing a large portion of their workforce on the back of the tax payer while they laugh to the bank. On and on... I'd rather stand up for the same things and get nowhere if it means bringing awareness to the problem, than compromise and lose site of what's right.
Soooo the hard work is to compromise??

"The hard work is to draft a bill that your co-legislators can get behind.."

No thanks, bust up the good ol' network, bust up big money/slavery.

Shillary is in the tank for prison for profit...wall street huge exploiting profits..... walmart exploiting the welfare system subsidizing a large portion of their workforce on the back of the tax payer while they laugh to the bank. On and on... I'd rather stand up for the same things and get nowhere if it means bringing awareness to the problem, than compromise and lose site of what's right.
YOUR post is one of the smartest post I have ever read.thank you from the heart...ky
Soooo the hard work is to compromise??

"The hard work is to draft a bill that your co-legislators can get behind.."

No thanks, bust up the good ol' network, bust up big money/slavery.

Shillary is in the tank for prison for profit...wall street huge exploiting profits..... walmart exploiting the welfare system subsidizing a large portion of their workforce on the back of the tax payer while they laugh to the bank. On and on... I'd rather stand up for the same things and get nowhere if it means bringing awareness to the problem, than compromise and lose site of what's right.

Plus Rep! :clap: