Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?


Well-Known Member
given the general disgust toward this person, I'm not seeing how he hasn't been killed. Either by some random person or a planned assassination.

I really figured he'd be dead by now. I have a cake bought and in the freezer, waiting for the day
given the general disgust toward this person, I'm not seeing how he hasn't been killed. Either by some random person or a planned assassination.

I really figured he'd be dead by now. I have a cake bought and in the freezer, waiting for the day
Well, when you are known for shooting someone with very little provocation, I would imagine that discourages harassment a bit. At least, for most survival minded people.

The casual pertebator might leave him alone, but there's so many that would literally line up for a chance to shoot him dead. Seems odd to me that this hasn't happened yet

The casual pertebator might leave him alone, but there's so many that would literally line up for a chance to shoot him dead. Seems odd to me that this hasn't happened yet
I always felt the same way about Fred Phelps. Seems the ones you really want to go always make it to their mid 80's. I think there's a song about it, but I can't remember how it goes.
given the general disgust toward this person, I'm not seeing how he hasn't been killed. Either by some random person or a planned assassination.

I really figured he'd be dead by now. I have a cake bought and in the freezer, waiting for the day

Someone acquitted by a jury of his piers, someone who is just trying to live his life should die?

Maybe someone should kill you for thinking it.... I mean, if the rule of law doesnt matter, what does?
Right... people need to leave OJ and Casey Anthony alone:roll:

Yep, they do. We have a system of justice and it is not justice if you are acquitted yet hounded for life.

I dont like either of the verdicts for OJ and Casey Anthony but they have been tried and acquitted (OJ is now in jail for other things.)
Why haven't you killed him??

If I where to kill people I have 2 people in front of the line I actually know. Also if I where to kill anyone from the news it would be the Texas guy who raped a 2 year old and got probation. Seems a bit more of a reason to kill someone chances are he will do it again. Meanwhile Zimmerman will probably never return to a black ghetto area of anywhere unlike where I live cause I haven't seen a black/minority in my town in a couple years.

Plus even if I was black I'd be more interested in making money than doing life for killing a scumbag.

I don't know why don't people go around killing child molesters on that government watchdog site they have pictures, names, addresses and a map including some shit about the crime. I honestly have thought about that but like if I'm dieing of cancer just go out with a bang. :)
Someone acquitted by a jury of his piers, someone who is just trying to live his life should die?

Maybe someone should kill you for thinking it.... I mean, if the rule of law doesnt matter, what does?
Does it work the same way on the other side? Do you think people should stop campaigning for things like "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal" because he was convicted by a jury of his peers?
given the general disgust toward this person, I'm not seeing how he hasn't been killed. Either by some random person or a planned assassination.

I really figured he'd be dead by now. I have a cake bought and in the freezer, waiting for the day

George and O.J. .....celebrity death match ?
given the general disgust toward this person, I'm not seeing how he hasn't been killed. Either by some random person or a planned assassination.

I really figured he'd be dead by now. I have a cake bought and in the freezer, waiting for the day

Sounds like a liberal issue. Always waiting for someone else to do the job. At least you have cake, but where you got it is still in question.
given the general disgust toward this person, I'm not seeing how he hasn't been killed. Either by some random person or a planned assassination.

I really figured he'd be dead by now. I have a cake bought and in the freezer, waiting for the day
just seen on the news today about him auctioning the gun he killed the kid with. if i was the kids family id buy the gun and kill him with it.. sweet justice