Symptom diagnostic, talon like leaves/burn


Active Member
Hey guys, a few days ago I noticed slight burn on the tips of 2 leaves of my 16 day old bagseed seedling that I originally attributed to the crappy miracle gro it's sitting in (Just bought some FoxFarm Ocean Forest yesterday that I've been itching to transplant them into), now just within hours it's looking like whatever it is, it's starting to spread and fast (the most noticeable damage in the bellow picture wasn't there a few hours prior having just checked on them...).

I'm not sure what it is, seeing as this is my first grow everything is still a learning experience, anyone have any ideas? :confused: My other seedlings are holding up fine so far, no burning/discoloration like this at all.

Just fed it straight distilled water after taking this picture in an attempt to hopefully flush whatever it might be + it was ready for a watering.

I can't really see it being burn from the CFL either, I have them consistently 1.5-2 inches above the plants, checking on them at least once a day in case they grow too close.. but I could very well be wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, a few days ago I noticed slight burn on the tips of 2 leaves of my 16 day old bagseed seedling that I originally attributed to the crappy miracle gro it's sitting in (Just bought some FoxFarm Ocean Forest yesterday that I've been itching to transplant them into), now just within hours it's looking like whatever it is, it's starting to spread and fast (the most noticeable damage in the bellow picture wasn't there a few hours prior having just checked on them...).

I'm not sure what it is, seeing as this is my first grow everything is still a learning experience, anyone have any ideas? :confused: My other seedlings are holding up fine so far, no burning/discoloration like this at all.

Just fed it straight distilled water after taking this picture in an attempt to hopefully flush whatever it might be + it was ready for a watering.

I can't really see it being burn from the CFL either, I have them consistently 1.5-2 inches above the plants, checking on them at least once a day in case they grow too close.. but I could very well be wrong.
Maybe the soil you transplanted them into is too hot. I'm not sure how long it would take them to burn the leaves so soon though.


Active Member
Maybe the soil you transplanted them into is too hot. I'm not sure how long it would take them to burn the leaves so soon though.
Haven't done any transplanting though, still in MG, which is a big reason I bought some FFOF so they could get out of that crap stuff whenever ready for transplanting.

After the flush I did last night the symptoms have seemed to hault so I'm going to keep an eye on it and watch for any new changes to leaves.

Thanks for the reply :).


Well-Known Member
top red circle looks like light burn
middle red circle, I wouldn't worry about as plant will drop that leaf later anyways
bottom red circle new growth resolving, nothing to worry about

yeah MG "can" have issues but FFOF is usually hotter and can also have issues

most likely your use of distilled water is the bigger problem


Well-Known Member
distilled water use isn't a problem. it is pure water.
with nothing in it, no nutes, no minerals, no dissolved oxygen
worst water for plants period

Yes it's water, yes you can use it, but better be prepared to add stuff
nothin I would do LMAO


Well-Known Member
RO water isn't much different than distilled but people are always talking about how they use it here in these forums. There's nothing wrong with using distilled.


Active Member
RO water isn't much different than distilled but people are always talking about how they use it here in these forums. There's nothing wrong with using distilled.
top red circle looks like light burn
middle red circle, I wouldn't worry about as plant will drop that leaf later anyways
bottom red circle new growth resolving, nothing to worry about

yeah MG "can" have issues but FFOF is usually hotter and can also have issues

most likely your use of distilled water is the bigger problem
Awesome, thanks for covering each individual issue I had learning new stuff!

I'm a little confused now though as the two of you have separate opinions on the distilled water - what I was using before was our tap water that IMO is too hard and what ultimately made me buy a few gallons of distilled.

Is this okay or should I change it up?

I've been using the distilled on my other seedings and they are all doing great, no burn or issues like this plant at all.

I definitely dont want to be giving them bad water when it's all they're getting from me maintenance wise right now :X.

Thanks a lot you guys, I'm still a newb but mistakes were expected and actually I was hoping I'd run into them so they can be handled with experience next time around :).

My 400w HPS setup/mylar/smart pots should be here sometime next week for my closet grow, can't wait to get my poor babies from out my current hastily built CFL grow setup and into some fox farm/bigger pots!


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks for covering each individual issue I had learning new stuff!

I'm a little confused now though as the two of you have separate opinions on the distilled water - what I was using before was our tap water that IMO is too hard and what ultimately made me buy a few gallons of distilled.

Is this okay or should I change it up?

I've been using the distilled on my other seedings and they are all doing great, no burn or issues like this plant at all.

I definitely dont want to be giving them bad water when it's all they're getting from me maintenance wise right now :X.

Thanks a lot you guys, I'm still a newb but mistakes were expected and actually I was hoping I'd run into them so they can be handled with experience next time around :).

My 400w HPS setup/mylar/smart pots should be here sometime next week for my closet grow, can't wait to get my poor babies from out my current hastily built CFL grow setup and into some fox farm/bigger pots!