Harvest Early Lose Potency?


Well-Known Member
So I had to Harvest my ladies earlier then I would have liked they received a full week flush along with Flawless finish. So I didn't look at my trichs under a loop but I can see there a little cloudy from the naked eye(I think maybe not though). I am not a huge fan of the high cbd strains and enjoy more of the head then the body high. That being said I accidentally clipped a small popcorn branch off when trimming a few days ago. (I chop the ladies yesterday.) After deceiding to oven
dry it (150 degrees for roughly 30 min) I smoked it and I got extremely high no kind of body high almost phycadelic . I am told I ruined my potency by harvesting early. Is it possible I just minimized the CBD content that would have produced had I waitied longer. The rest of the ladies are getting a proper dry and a 30-45 cure. My basic question is will my Bud be bunk? And when people are saying potency are they refering to the combo CBD/THC has on the body? Thanks again and *Cheers*



Well-Known Member
So I had to Harvest my ladies earlier then I would have liked they received a full week flush along with Flawless finish. So I didn't look at my trichs under a loop but I can see there a little cloudy from the naked eye(I think maybe not though). I am not a huge fan of the high cbd strains and enjoy more of the head then the body high. That being said I accidentally clipped a small popcorn branch off when trimming a few days ago. (I chop the ladies yesterday.) After deceiding to oven
dry it (150 degrees for roughly 30 min) I smoked it and I got extremely high no kind of body high almost phycadelic . I am told I ruined my potency by harvesting early. Is it possible I just minimized the CBD content that would have produced had I waitied longer. The rest of the ladies are getting a proper dry and a 30-45 cure. My basic question is will my Bud be bunk? And when people are saying potency are they refering to the combo CBD/THC has on the body? Thanks again and *Cheers*
You have this backwards, CBD is all body, THC is head


Well-Known Member
Hate to see them cut early after all the work put into them. Start a few weeks earlier next grow : )

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I am not a huge fan of the high cbd strains and enjoy more of the head then the body high.
Ok, thats cool, but why not just get a high thc low cbd strain? Chopping when ripe/finished will give you the full expression of the plant and its thc. Chopping late is what will get you that couch lock stone, but chopping early... just gives you unripe/unfinished buds.
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Well-Known Member
Hate to see them cut early after all the work put into them. Start a few weeks earlier next grow : )
That bud looks way too young to be cut down
Yeah ran into space issues but the next girls are happy in there new home the two big girl were hindering progress and I didn't wanna screw up my next grow like this one was from a improper environment. *cheers*


Well-Known Member
Ok, thats cool, but why not just get a high thc low cbd strain? Chopping when ripe/finished will give you the full expression of the plant and its thc. Chopping late is what will get you that couch lock stone, but chopping early... just gives you unripe/unfinished buds.
That makes sense I went with bubblegum due to hearing it had a good THC content. The early chop wasn't my preference but more of a necessary evil. This won't be happening again. *cheers*


Well-Known Member
Hate to see them cut early after all the work put into them. Start a few weeks earlier next grow : )
I totally agree I put the carriage in front of the horse on this first one. So the grows to follow will be much better. This plant was 9fy tall and 3 foot wide no space left in the room.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
That makes sense I went with bubblegum due to hearing it had a good THC content. The early chop wasn't my preference but more of a necessary evil. This won't be happening again. *cheers*
I've been growing bubblegum from 00 seeds for about 2-3 years. It will not give you that couch lock buzz even if taken to 10 weeks. Anything longer and you might be going too far. 9 wks seems to be the sweet spot though.


Well-Known Member
You need loupe or mag glass x20 is good enough to really see trichrome devolpment. If I was you I would be growing and harvesting for full potency with a strain that meets my needs rather than harvesting blind and hoping for results. Sorry to be brutal it's tough love


Well-Known Member
I've been growing bubblegum from 00 seeds for about 2-3 years. It will not give you that couch lock buzz even if taken to 10 weeks. Anything longer and you might be going too far. 9 wks seems to be the sweet spot though.
Awesome that's that kinda knowledge I was looking for. I picked bubblegum from serious seeds off a recommendation from a friend and this is my first run with it. I have 9 girls I cloned of the monster mama in week 4 so it looks like 5 more weeks of winter ;)


Well-Known Member
whitebb2727 said:
What kind of space issues? It can all be solved. Next time just ask before chopping early.
The height issue I know could have solved with some tying down. It was more or less wanting to get a stable sterile environment. I do kick myself for chopping but I kinda have to take it as what's done is done. Now that I have the flower room climate control and dialed in I will avoid any future snags hopefully. Thanks for all the help and advice *cheers*


Well-Known Member
I told you before you chopped it you would end up with bunk smoke. You explained the smoke wasn't important your business venture was. As I explained the smoke there isn't good. I didn't say you have to cure it extra long, or put it by bananas, I said if you chop the plant the smoke will not be good. It won't change just because you didn't like my answer.
I think maybe your misunderstanding the best intention of this post its not to dispute the answer I was given too better understand why I am pretty darn high off of the ovenbaked popcorn. And didn't know if anyone had a similar situation as mine in the past and could relate or better explain. As I Stated I understand that I cut too early and that I may have not let the plant properly ripen. I just didn't know if possibly some of the plant was maybe more mature then another and that's why depending on where it came off the plant. Thanks again for the help and advice *cheers*


Well-Known Member
I think maybe your misunderstanding the best intention of this post its not to dispute the answer I was given too better understand why I am pretty darn high off of the ovenbaked popcorn. And didn't know if anyone had a similar situation as mine in the past and could relate or better explain. As I Stated I understand that I cut too early and that I may have not let the plant properly ripen. I just didn't know if possibly some of the plant was maybe more mature then another and that's why depending on where it came off the plant. Thanks again for the help and advice *cheers*
Ok it just hurt to see you cut the plant down sorry if I was a bit rough. I get all driven to see a plant finish lol