hillbilly air pots

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Got the baskets at the dollar store. Landscaping fabric is DeWitt weed barrier. The type of fabric is very important. This one is a woven plastic, similar to a tarp & one side is fuzzy to keep it from slipping. The nice thing about these is they don't bleed out the sides when you water them, like other fabric pots. Handles are nice too. I'm making more today and will post a step-by-step.
Nice idea too. the added advantage is they don't build up a cement rootball moving from place to place compacts the roots...observe at harvest

I often wonder how roots grow thru some of my 'cement' balls ...lol

I've also grown in them flexitubs that look the same as your laundry tubs? and very comfortable they are too

nice ..good luck
3. There area couple of ways to set this up. There's a bowl in the bottom that will hold water, so you can either fill it with chunky stuff (hempy style), or poke holes in the bottom for drainage & fill with dirt.
I'm doing it hempy style with growstone & big coco chips.
I'm also going to set up a laundry basket from the dollar store. Only difference will be fabric dimensions & I'll need to cut a disk for the bottom because it is also mesh like the sides.
they look a good idea for hanging, ideal for upstair flats and bedsits, a really good idea...50lbs or so maybe to heavy for them handles but nice
should of thought of it myself,
Got the baskets at the dollar store. Landscaping fabric is DeWitt weed barrier. The type of fabric is very important. This one is a woven plastic, similar to a tarp & one side is fuzzy to keep it from slipping. The nice thing about these is they don't bleed out the sides when you water them, like other fabric pots. Handles are nice too. I'm making more today and will post a step-by-step.
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Had to do a double take when i looked at the pic ... I thought you mounted on a wall
I don't think you even need the fabric. Great and inexpensive idea man. But the bowl idea has made me think. The roots may or may not drown themselves. It's like hydro in a way. But I don't know. Wow I'm lost
I don't think you even need the fabric. Great and inexpensive idea man. But the bowl idea has made me think. The roots may or may not drown themselves. It's like hydro in a way. But I don't know. Wow I'm lost
with the bowl in the bag it works like a SIP would
4. Finish with your favorite growing medium + herb.
This one is going outside & has a generous top coat of sand + DE.
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You ever try Gnat Nix in place of DE? I started with Gnat Nix and it was great. But at one point ran out so I tried the DE for gits and shiggles, I couldn't stand the way that it caked up and started yellowingIMG_0674.JPG
DE washed into the soil more quickly too, when using GN I have always used a pressurized hand sprayer, so the GN didn't get sucked into the soil as quickly, so you don't have to reapply as often. It also gives me more time to spend with the plants individually, and waters more uniformly... but It didn't help with the DE. It just sucked the DE down more slowly... these things may not bother you at all, I just thought you should know that it worked better for me,
You ever try Gnat Nix in place of DE? I started with Gnat Nix and it was great. But at one point ran out so I tried the DE for gits and shiggles, I couldn't stand the way that it caked up and started yellowingView attachment 3802965
DE washed into the soil more quickly too, when using GN I have always used a pressurized hand sprayer, so the GN didn't get sucked into the soil as quickly, so you don't have to reapply as often. It also gives me more time to spend with the plants individually, and waters more uniformly... but It didn't help with the DE. It just sucked the DE down more slowly... these things may not bother you at all, I just thought you should know that it worked better for me,
DE also doesn't work when it's wet. I used gnat nix when it first hit the market but it didn't do the job for me. Rosemary oil and rosemary oil based products applied for a few weeks does the trick.
DE also doesn't work when it's wet. I used gnat nix when it first hit the market but it didn't do the job for me. Rosemary oil and rosemary oil based products applied for a few weeks does the trick.
It may not dehydrate them but on the upside if you put enough DE on there and water it'll trap those little suckers like cement lol jk Ive heard some say it works ok wet, but in my experience it didn't work for crap even when it was dry

I didn't have the best luck with Gnat nix at first but I was trying to conserve it and only lay down a couple layers, but after I realized I needed more and doubled it, that worked better, it helped with algea on rockwool too, I was using the cube caps but I would always get a little bit of algae in the little circle where the stem comes out from the center of the cube.