Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: "Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women, They Become ‘Feminized Men’

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

The idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact “is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges,” said Dr. McHugh in his article, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme.

“I am ever trying to be the boy among the bystanders who points to what’s real,” said Dr. McHugh, who is also professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins. “I do so not only because truth matters, but also because overlooked amid the hoopla—enhanced now by Bruce Jenner’s celebrity and Annie Leibovitz’s photography—stand many victims.”

However, there is plenty of evidence showing that “transgendering” is a “psychological rather than a biological matter,” said Dr. McHugh.

“In fact, gender dysphoria—the official psychiatric term for feeling oneself to be of the opposite sex—belongs in the family of similarly disordered assumptions about the body, such as anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder,” said McHugh.

It's time the govt and wacked out enablers like Bruce Springsteen face the music and get real.

Uncle Ben
So how does someone with no sexual attraction to you or your family pose a threat in or out of the bathroom?

To be fair, that isn't the argument. Under laws like the one passed in Charlotte, any male perv can simply hang out in the women's restroom to his heart's content and the women wanting to use the facilities without such a presence have no recourse. Store owners can't even approach and question said perv to find out why he's in there under those laws. If you don't have your head stuck exclusively in the MSM, you've had a chance to read about the documented cases.

I'm in NC and I'm at a loss as to exactly how you can accommodate transgender folk. One thing most residents agree on, it isn't to give unrestricted access to anyone who simply feels like going in the opposite sex's bathroom with the knowledge they can't even be confronted.
I'm in NC and I'm at a loss as to exactly how you can accommodate transgender folk. One thing most residents agree on, it isn't to give unrestricted access to anyone who simply feels like going in the opposite sex's bathroom with the knowledge they can't even be confronted.

Your ignorance is quaint. How long are you going to skate by with "I'm at a loss"? Think harder. I can totally picture your pudgy face squinting with effort as you scour your brain for a thought more complex than "how much sweet tea do I want today?" Come on do you really think this flipped a switch and every pedo in NC just sprung into action? Your more likely to have your uncle or coach touch you in this state. Where is the legislation against that? I guess as long as you keep it in the family it's OK here.
Have you ever used a unisex bathroom? Its quite liberating when everyone can be an adult and focus on the task at hand. Free stall, next in line, pardon me miss, step in, pee, wash hands repeat. Next in line.

I think some people picture the men's room like an elephant migration with hundreds of dicks just slowly swinging as we trudge past each other in and out.

I don't know about y'all but I don't pull my pants down until it's time.
If I saw a man walk into the women's room I'd definitely ask what's up. This pedophile shit is happening now without any bathroom laws. If you are the kind of person worrying about pedophiles assaulting your children you probably already escort them to the bathroom whenever you are out. If they're teens you send them in pairs. If you aren't the kind of person who worried about that stuff then THIS? Is the law that is going to change your behavior? Really?

In schools kids know of each other, who is straight and who isnt. I would hope that if boys knew of a straight male student who was being an asshole and trying to use the girls room that they would kick his ass. On the other hand I would also expect those same fine young gentlemen to stand up for an obviously picked on trans kid who honestly did feel better using the other restroom. I would hope the girls could find that compassion in their hearts to also see an obviously picked on individual needs a safe place to pee. Its about being decent human beings towards each other.

One day it will be your turn to be different and I hope you are afforded the same rights and status you currently enjoy.
If I saw a man walk into the women's room I'd definitely ask what's up. This pedophile shit is happening now without any bathroom laws. If you are the kind of person worrying about pedophiles assaulting your children you probably already escort them to the bathroom whenever you are out. If they're teens you send them in pairs. If you aren't the kind of person who worried about that stuff then THIS? Is the law that is going to change your behavior? Really?

In schools kids know of each other, who is straight and who isnt. I would hope that if boys knew of a straight male student who was being an asshole and trying to use the girls room that they would kick his ass. On the other hand I would also expect those same fine young gentlemen to stand up for an obviously picked on trans kid who honestly did feel better using the other restroom. I would hope the girls could find that compassion in their hearts to also see an obviously picked on individual needs a safe place to pee. Its about being decent human beings towards each other.

One day it will be your turn to be different and I hope you are afforded the same rights and status you currently enjoy.

We are not worried about the decent human beings. That is the point...
But I would hope the decent ones are looking out for the weak and voiceless. I've managed many different retail places. Kids shouldn't be in the bathroom alone. Period. That's bad parenting. So how is this pretend pretend trans person (hidden pedophile) getting to your kid again? Are you saying all trans people are dangerous? Will you point to their genitals under the stall so you can have "that conversation" with your kid? How is this dangerous moment going to come to pass.

I walk my stores and look at my customers not only to assist them but to see who is up to no good. I check the bathrooms to see if they're clean and if anyone is stealing. Any wierdo shit and I know about it from my employees, but when a trans lady walked through no one noticed and no one gave a shit.

Where was the danger?
Its called real life experience. Go interact with different people and you will see it isn't so bad. Really go into a big city and take the bus and say hi to people. Let them tell you their stories. Life is hard. Dont make it harder for anybody.
I wonder how many people here have met a nice well rounded gay person? Not someone who might be mean or shitty because they were shaped by years of fear and abuse and rejection. I've met some mean nasty gay people and I've wanted to punch them in the face, not because they're gay but because they were mean spiteful assholes (the extra flair with which the insults were delivered didn't help things though).
The minute you throw that punch because he is gay its a hate crime. Whenever my gay friend fucks up (spills the Thanksgiving potatoes or breaks a bong) I have to let him know the shit he is about to eat for the next week isn't because he is gay, its because he's a fuck up and that if I did have to beat him I would hire another gay person so that shit isn't federal. Cuz I got love for my homies.

He gets treated like everybody else.

I've also met some cool ass gay people who can chill and watch football and ufc and smoke blunts with. Im baked this is in reference to my boy above.

Seriously just get out more
I don't know what the gay community is thinking letting the trans community piggy back onto all of their gains.

While homosexuality is a minority sexual abnormality, it's a natural one and doesn't cause any real handicap.

Trans is a hard core mental illness. Anyone with a penis who thinks they're really a girl is screwed up in the head. The only exception to this could be those born hermaphordite and the medical staff alters their genetalia at birth. They could pick the wrong one.

But normal people who think their penis is a malformed vagina, that's some fucked up shit.
I don't know what the gay community is thinking letting the trans community piggy back onto all of their gains.

While homosexuality is a minority sexual abnormality, it's a natural one and doesn't cause any real handicap.

Trans is a hard core mental illness. Anyone with a penis who thinks they're really a girl is screwed up in the head. The only exception to this could be those born hermaphordite and the medical staff alters their genetalia at birth. They could pick the wrong one.

But normal people who think their penis is a malformed vagina, that's some fucked up shit.

This issue isnt going to hurt me in any way shape or form. Anyone who has been to a concert or a crowded sports event has seen a woman jump into the mens bathroom because the line for the womens is 1/2 a block long.

A good point that has been brought up is suddenly, the Obama administration wants to change how we look at sexuality from biological to how you feel. You can be a boy one day, a girl the next and who knows after that. I really do not have a problem with that until it infringes on the rights of the other 99.7% of America.

When I think about the issue, the proponents are saying this is going to make kids feel better about themselves. Oh really? As I have said before, growing up is tough enough if you dont declare you are not what you look like. How many transgender students are going to suddenly out themselves because now they can use a different bathroom? I have heard that womens restrooms are nicer than mens and dont have urinals obviously but both have stalls and toilets.

Ultimately, what should not happen is that feel good legislation is passed that allows men to hang out in womens restrooms and the local police not being able to do anything about it. Talk about a war on women, the liberals want to take away their safety and privacy in public restrooms.... LOL!!
The only way no one does anything about it is if a milquetoast like you let's it happen because that's the way the law is written. Again it will be obvious who is an asshole and who is trans. Have either of you met a transgender person?

I pee in the bathroom regardless if there is a homeless person bathing in the sink or a single dad with a boy and a girl. Not bothering me at all.

Why you and the other mouth breathers can't sounds like a psychosomatic issue.