i guess i am registered liberal.. but i dont vote. dont really care about politics too too much. only registered green party when i was a senior in high school because.. well you can probably guess.

heres a couple of my views. i dont care care if people get governement help (housing, money food) but only if they need it. one of the biggest things that pisses me off is seeing someone use an EBT card when they have to pull it out from in between a stack of 100's, driving a brand new mercedes, wearing a brand new citizen watch or whatever else brand. I really have no interest in federal government, im more worried about things on a state level. and if i see someone going out of there way to fuck with someone over something so little like, race, sex, religion.. ill fuck with that person back pretty badly. unlike all you liars out there who say they are making bank.. i do run my own business.. but do i care aibout paying my taxes.. nope, some people need help.. school taxes go to good use.. and id be pissed if my state/town stopped working on the roads and keeping the town clean. the only tax that really pisses me off is property tax, i already own my land.. why do i got to keep paying for it? it cracks me up some of you guys.. all you do is complain about shit, well go out and make the world a better place, youre complaints are falling on people who dont give a fuck. and you racists are just power bait to us who get stoned and like to fuck with racists.
i dont try to type on here like i got a phd, i know what i do and im pretty fucking happy with where im at. im 27 and own a house and run a business pulling in over 200k a year... what do you do with youre life other than sit and complain on the internet?