100 watt incandescent?


Well-Known Member
Then you're all set; you can spend 3 months growing and at the end of it you'll have half a toke of some weed that won't get you high.


Well-Known Member
LOL this thread is funny as hell, this guy isn't for real, but if you are serious then you should try flash lights! I hear they are better than incandescent and candle combined!


Well-Known Member
LOL this thread is funny as hell, this guy isn't for real, but if you are serious then you should try flash lights! I hear they are better than incandescent and candle combined!
I put 4 little ones in there. The only ones I had.
It already looks like the flashlights are working, the plants are getting taller by the hour! :)


Well-Known Member
I hear having a picture of the sun in the growroom helps too. this one guy got like a pound off a flashlight and a picture of the sun! your gonna kick his ass with all that light you got! Its good that your mixing it up too with different styles of lights...plants like that.you might want to start a compost pile out back if you plan on continuing to grow like this. ALL NATURAL ALL THE WAY


Well-Known Member
I hear having a picture of the sun in the growroom helps too. this one guy got like a pound off a flashlight and a picture of the sun! your gonna kick his ass with all that light you got! Its good that your mixing it up too with different styles of lights...plants like that.you might want to start a compost pile out back if you plan on continuing to grow like this. ALL NATURAL ALL THE WAY
OOOOOOO Maybe I will go and but a disposable camera today! good idea!



Well-Known Member
-rep.......I dont have a camera...as I said before im all natural and i dont use much electronics.
what are you amish? i head parrafin lamps give off about 9 lumens. maybe you could add a few of those to your mega grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Taking it to the NEXT STEP!!!! :fire:
Im watering it more now and 1 plant is looking sad, but thats because I think im overwatering that one.
All of the others are doing great, and they are even TALLER!!!!
The only weed I got was mostly stems and is was excellent!!!
I BORROWED a camera from a aquatince and will have pictures up asap!


Well-Known Member
Hurry up i wanna see them "beasts" you have!!!!

How old are you anyways? Cause to be honest it seems like your 14 or less with the way you present yourself...a mature person wold listen to us and take our advice...cmon...you CAN grow better with some $3 cfl's...get with it!!


Well-Known Member
Hurry up i wanna see them "beasts" you have!!!!

How old are you anyways? Cause to be honest it seems like your 14 or less with the way you present yourself...a mature person wold listen to us and take our advice...cmon...you CAN grow better with some $3 cfl's...get with it!!
Dont you peole get that im ALL NATURAL?! That means that your main source is WILDLIFE. The only reason why I started growing this is because its NATURAL> And im gonna keep it that way.
No, im 26.


Well-Known Member
Ok well....you can't grow indoors "naturally" ithout using the "proper" lights. If you wanna grow naturally then plant it outside where it can grow naturally.

When you have something that grows outdoors and you bring it inside...YOU MUST MIMIC THE OUTDOOR ENVIROMENT. That's the only way your going to grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though if you can't do it outdoors...you better off to put it in a window that gets alot of light and keep moving it around...the thing will grow better then what you have on it now. Hey look at it this way....at least your using natural light.


Well-Known Member
picture of the sun and flashling and i will get apound
so that is what i have been doing worng
i am going to usse a candle as well
two for one co2 and light
man i wish i see this theard before i spent all that money on lights

mj3 you got lots of food for your plant now with all this bullshit,its natural


Well-Known Member
Ok well....you can't grow indoors "naturally" ithout using the "proper" lights. If you wanna grow naturally then plant it outside where it can grow naturally.

When you have something that grows outdoors and you bring it inside...YOU MUST MIMIC THE OUTDOOR ENVIROMENT. That's the only way your going to grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though if you can't do it outdoors...you better off to put it in a window that gets alot of light and keep moving it around...the thing will grow better then what you have on it now. Hey look at it this way....at least your using natural light.
I tried putting them outside and then later when I put them inside, they had all different kinds of bugs on them.

I put them in the window and they started drooping, so I put them where they belong!! and where they grow BEST!! Which is my natural indoor grow!!!!