Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

One thing I don't like about Israel is that they often excuse their aggressive military actions and retribution on being in a tough neighborhood and having advsaries that only respect force. Basically saying they're a third world country among other third world countries. Which would be fine but then they demand the developed world treat them like one of us. They want it both ways.
One thing I don't like about Israel is that they often excuse their aggressive military actions and retribution on being in a tough neighborhood and having advsaries that only respect force. Basically saying they're a third world country among other third world countries. Which would be fine but then they demand the developed world treat them like one of us. They want it both ways.

Not even; they want it THEIR way, and then don't think they should be held responsible for the consequences.
Israel does not believe in International Law and use the excuse that all of our neighbors are out to get rid of us...

When in reality their Military could take on all if its neighbors at the same time and spank them silly...

Neighbors only... they'd get handled by Iran though... unless they went Nukville on them... which at that point .. Putin would just press the reset button with China's blessing and that's when we turn into Venus
Israel does not believe in International Law and use the excuse that all of our neighbors are out to get rid of us...
Which they absolutely are correct about. Or did you forget 1967 when they were attacked by 5 countries simultaneously
When in reality their Military could take on all if its neighbors at the same time and spank them silly...
This is maybe the only true thing you have said. And thank god it is, because if the situation were reversed, there would be no debate about possible two state solutions because Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth faster than you can say Allahu Akbar. Not that anyone here would even care, because we all know It's only an atrocity if Israel does it.
Which they absolutely are correct about. Or did you forget 1967 when they were attacked by 5 countries simultaneously

This is maybe the only true thing you have said. And thank god it is, because if the situation were reversed, there would be no debate about possible two state solutions because Israel would have been wiped off the face of the earth faster than you can say Allahu Akbar. Not that anyone here would even care, because we all know It's only an atrocity if Israel does it.
Fuck Israel
I find it interesting that Israel gets so much flak for civilian casualties, when their civilian:militant kill ratio is almost 1:30 (only 1 civilian killed for every 30 militants), whereas no one ever calls Palestine out on targeting civilians even though their ratio is closer to 5:1 (5 civilians killed for every 1 militant). No country other than Israel is asked to tolerate this kind of aggression without response. Israel gets more flak for defending itself than Russia got for annexing Crimea. Just shows where people's priorities are.
Israel chooses to be the most hated country in the world because of their horrible policy to the original indigenous people of Palestine. When Rabin was about to finally bring peace to the Land...the Zionist Smoked him like a Kosher Herring ... even the Butcher Sharon wanted to finally strike a deal because he saw the writing on the wall and guess what? he goes into a mysterious multi-year coma.. truth is what it is..

As long as the Jews lets the Crazy Zionist stay in power... they will always be victims of their policies

Anyone find it odd that ISIS has never even picked up pebble and thrown it towards Israel.. I mean the ultimate place for a nutt job jihadi would be Israel ... yet they just kill as many Shiites as possible.. Doctrine of the Zionist/Wahhabi alliance
Israel chooses to be the most hated country in the world because of their horrible policy to the original indigenous people of Palestine. When Rabin was about to finally bring peace to the Land...the Zionist Smoked him like a Kosher Herring ... even the Butcher Sharon wanted to finally strike a deal because he saw the writing on the wall and guess what? he goes into a mysterious multi-year coma.. truth is what it is..

As long as the Jews lets the Crazy Zionist stay in power... they will always be victims of their policies

Anyone find it odd that ISIS has never even picked up pebble and thrown it towards Israel.. I mean the ultimate place for a nutt job jihadi would be Israel ... yet they just kill as many Shiites as possible.. Doctrine of the Zionist/Wahhabi alliance
I think you need to read a book other than The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for once. The level of ignorance that radiates from your posts is nauseating.
Oswizzle summed it up very well. I'm not going to argue with a Zionist shitbag like you who will dismiss every criticism of Israel as anti semitic.
Fuck Israel
Actually you're not going to argue because you have absolutely nothing to counter my argument with other than ad hominem attacks. You have no real data, you have no real logic, you just have propaganda and ignorance. You think by avoiding the argument you can avoid losing it, but actually you just prove that you have no ground to stand on. Your beliefs are not shaped by careful analysis of facts, maybe because you lack the mental faculties to determine what the facts actually are and interpret them for yourself using logic. Much better to just parrot back what you hear from the propagandists that you trust. To be honest, I think both you and Oswizzle would have a much better time over at Stormfront, they certainly share your outlook.
Actually you're not going to argue because you have absolutely nothing to counter my argument with other than ad hominem attacks. You have no real data, you have no real logic, you just have propaganda and ignorance. You think by avoiding the argument you can avoid losing it, but actually you just prove that you have no ground to stand on. Your beliefs are not shaped by careful analysis of facts, maybe because you lack the mental faculties to determine what the facts actually are and interpret them for yourself using logic. Much better to just parrot back what you hear from the propagandists that you trust. To be honest, I think both you and Oswizzle would have a much better time over at Stormfront, they certainly share your outlook.
There will be no Peace in Israel until Israel has stolen all the land it wants
There will be no Peace in Israel until Israel has stolen all the land it wants
Except that Israel has repeatedly agreed to end hostilities, and Palestine has repeatedly rejected any peace talk that allows for a two state solution. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Plus I don't see you volunteering to go homeless so that a native american family can take up residence in your house, even though I guarantee your land is much more "stolen" than anything Israel is sitting on. The fact is, every country on earth conquered that land from someone else. Some just did it more recently. Germany lost land in WW1, I don't see you clamoring to give Alsace-Lorraine back to them. Palestine joined up with Hitler in WW2 (And not as a revolt against mandatory Palestine but because they found common ground in their and the Nazi's shared hatred of Jews, as covered, with evidence, in my earlier post) they were on the losing side, and they lost land. Tough cookies. More Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Palestinians expelled from Israel, so unless you're ready to give those Jews back their property and businesses in those Arab countries, maybe shut the fuck up about who stole what.
Except that Israel has repeatedly agreed to end hostilities, and Palestine has repeatedly rejected any peace talk that allows for a two state solution. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Plus I don't see you volunteering to go homeless so that a native american family can take up residence in your house, even though I guarantee your land is much more "stolen" than anything Israel is sitting on. The fact is, every country on earth conquered that land from someone else. Some just did it more recently. Germany lost land in WW1, I don't see you clamoring to give Alsace-Lorraine back to them. Palestine joined up with Hitler in WW2 (And not as a revolt against mandatory Palestine but because they found common ground in their and the Nazi's shared hatred of Jews, as covered, with evidence, in my earlier post) they were on the losing side, and they lost land. Tough cookies. More Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Palestinians expelled from Israel, so unless you're ready to give those Jews back their property and businesses in those Arab countries, maybe shut the fuck up about who stole what.
you are the truly ignorant one.
Go back and read Oswizzles post
you are the truly ignorant one.
Go back and read Oswizzles post
Go back and read a history book so you can realize that his post vacuous and completely unsupported by the facts. Not that you could tell the difference since you have clearly been indoctrinated by the ridiculous propaganda he is espousing. Seriously, Zionist/Wahhabi Alliance? What's next, Trump and Hillary are both secretly ZOG agents? Take your antisemitic propaganda back to Stormfront where it belongs, you're on the wrong forum.
Please read Gordon’s articles on Mossad involvement in 911 and Chris Bollyn’s book… then on to “The Controversy of Zion” the classic work on WW1/2 and Zion’s involvement by Douglas Reed. Any real book about the FED/Bank of England added and you have the picture.

Ask yourself, are you willing to give up your cushy life as an American for the truth and for freedom? The answer is our problem, OUR problem.
And this: there is no group on Earth more fearful of rabbinical power than the Ashkenazi “Jews” that is, the actionable point of the Talmud: “you respect and almost worship us or you will lose the inside word, be shunned and possibly killed.”
So it is not just none Ashkenazi who are targeted and the Ashkenazi have almost ZERO genetic relationship to ancient Hebrews – see genetic study 2012 Johns Hopkins University.

Then we have American Zionists.
Still shlepping for Jewish myths stolen from a dozen other cultures and yes to the commenter… the Old Testament and certainly the Talmud are about race Supremacy, hear that Jonas?

Sociopathic narcissists who are in fact a criminal group whose group self delusion would be hilarious except for their ethic of lethal mass murder for their “god” goals.
Except that Israel has repeatedly agreed to end hostilities, and Palestine has repeatedly rejected any peace talk that allows for a two state solution. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Plus I don't see you volunteering to go homeless so that a native american family can take up residence in your house, even though I guarantee your land is much more "stolen" than anything Israel is sitting on. The fact is, every country on earth conquered that land from someone else. Some just did it more recently. Germany lost land in WW1, I don't see you clamoring to give Alsace-Lorraine back to them. Palestine joined up with Hitler in WW2 (And not as a revolt against mandatory Palestine but because they found common ground in their and the Nazi's shared hatred of Jews, as covered, with evidence, in my earlier post) they were on the losing side, and they lost land. Tough cookies. More Jews were expelled from Arab countries than Palestinians expelled from Israel, so unless you're ready to give those Jews back their property and businesses in those Arab countries, maybe shut the fuck up about who stole what.
last time Israel made peace they Killed the Israeli prime minister that backed it.