Well-Known Member
homosexuality is a minority sexual abnormality
it's actually not.
Trans is a hard core mental illness.
no, it's actually not.
homosexuality is a minority sexual abnormality
Trans is a hard core mental illness.
Talk about a war on women, the liberals want to take away their safety and privacy in public restrooms.... LOL!!
So how does someone with no sexual attraction to you or your family pose a threat in or out of the bathroom?
I don't know what the gay community is thinking letting the trans community piggy back onto all of their gains.
While homosexuality is a minority sexual abnormality, it's a natural one and doesn't cause any real handicap.
Trans is a hard core mental illness. Anyone with a penis who thinks they're really a girl is screwed up in the head. The only exception to this could be those born hermaphordite and the medical staff alters their genetalia at birth. They could pick the wrong one.
But normal people who think their penis is a malformed vagina, that's some fucked up shit.
Conservitards just hate freedom. They hate people having the freedom to self determine and when people self determine anyway, they want to keep them from using the restroom.
If you was born a girl piss in the girls room.if you was born a boy piss in the boys room,Whats so fucking hard about that to understand?
You keep saying this over and over, but it apparently has never occurred to you that nobody agrees with your idiotic and extremist right wing ideas on property. The owner of a given property is only so because the gov't says he is.If people had the right to self determine, then the owner of a given property would be the one determining the rules of their bathroom.
Clear definition of property can peacefully solve many problems.
On one side I can certainly see how a trans woman is afraid of going into the mens room to pee with her penis. I would say hands down trans women are the group most likely to meet with intimidation or worse in this scenario.The only way no one does anything about it is if a milquetoast like you let's it happen because that's the way the law is written. Again it will be obvious who is an asshole and who is trans. Have either of you met a transgender person?
I pee in the bathroom regardless if there is a homeless person bathing in the sink or a single dad with a boy and a girl. Not bothering me at all.
Why you and the other mouth breathers can't sounds like a psychosomatic issue.
Women's restrooms pretty much have stalls.On one side I can certainly see how a trans woman is afraid of going into the mens room to pee with her penis. I would say hands down trans women are the group most likely to meet with intimidation or worse in this scenario.
But any rational person also knows perverts Will take advantage of this
In my mind 100% of the child population is more important than the mentally ill gender benders.
mentally ill gender benders.
You can tell buck is gay for wounting to piss with little girls,YOU beater hope the fuck you don't ever go in a reastroom with my doughter and grand doughter or I will sent you to hell rite on that spot.ky...ps.don't belive me move to ky, and try that shit and you will be found like others have with there dicks tyed around there neck in a trash dump..
I'm not worried about the trannies in the girls room.Women's restrooms pretty much have stalls.
OMG OMG I posted in Politics, @schuylaar @UncleBuck please watch my back so I can crawl out alive please
The pervs who would use this as cover peer under and over stalls.
STFU short dick.You can tell buck is gay for wounting to piss with little girls,YOU beater hope the fuck you don't ever go in a reastroom with my doughter and grand doughter or I will sent you to hell rite on that spot.ky...ps.don't belive me move to ky, and try that shit and you will be found like others have with there dicks tyed around there neck in a trash dump..