Random Jibber Jabber Thread

@ all y'all

Yes, the set top box. A family member has it and now my wife thinks it's a good idea. I trust I'd get an honest answer about it here - and maybe some penis kind of jokes. All y'all never disappoint :mrgreen:

Encouragement: Fuzzy Duck, how come I've never heard of this??

@ all y'all

Yes, the set top box. A family member has it and now my wife thinks it's a good idea. I trust I'd get an honest answer about it here - and maybe some penis kind of jokes. All y'all never disappoint :mrgreen:

Encouragement: Fuzzy Duck, how come I've never heard of this??

I don't know much about it. Looks cool though. I got a Roku and I like that. I don't watch much of anything these days though. Just Netflix once a month it seems.
Ubuntu for the past 8+ years. I tried Fedora at first too but preferred the .deb manger to the .rpm manager. I've occasionally been known to throw in a live CD and fux around from time to time.

pro tip: reaver pro -i mon0 -b -w -S -vv.

bssid and then own all the routers in your area.

ps- i love you.