Tallest plant?


Active Member
image.jpeg my not so little girl just hit 60 inches today in veg, currently on like day 75 or somethin Can't remember off the top of my head. im afraid to see how much she stretches in flower :o

What are some of your guys biggest plants lookin like?


Active Member
its why many here, twist, list and even bend, supercrop, and FIM

I prefer the later its not so dramatic

good luck
Hard to see in the pic but I've actually been training her for about two weeks now. Not much but I plan on more soon


Well-Known Member
If that is the only grow space you have available..you're gonna have issues with height. A plant can double and sometimes more in flowering.


Well-Known Member
There you go Growjo90, summat to look forward to
long time since i seen a 24 footer.
gonna cross mine with a Medicritical see what happen's


Well-Known Member
That is going to stretch way out of your tent once you switch it to flowering. Is this plant being transferred outdoors?

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
My Jamaican Pearl is pushing 4' 5" easy and both of my purple haze plants are over 5ft. They were a little over 2ft when I flipped so you got me beat. :bigjoint: