Growing Outdoors with Orgonite - A must for huge yields!

There's no way this is real bro.. I mean I'm not biased either way I hope it does work for you but how could placing some rocks made of metal shavings and plastic resin near your garden help a plant grow? This is totally fake... It's crazy there is a whole institution dedicated to this stuff
Im in no way trying to be negative in any sense or form. I seems like a placebo. Where if you believe that it will work "truely believe". Then subconsciouscly you will start feeling better and if you feel better than the cycle begins of doing better feeling better doing better etc.. Same as your plants if you feel things will work than subconsciously/or consiously you take better care of your plants. Better locations, be more involved with them, pay more attn to nutes etc.. These are just simple for instances , but you get the idea. So in reality it can work, Sure.. its just that if you belive in your mind something will happen. Than you will do your best to make it happen ,both consciously and subconsciously.. Plus there is the power of persuasion.. Positive energy /thoughts attracts positive energy ,,, negative energy/thoughts = negative energy. just cus we cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there..
well said 1kemosabe. I am aware that humans have the power of will.

Reich rediscovered orgone energy but there was a husband and wife by the last name of croft who started putting it into shapes via epoxy resin and layering it with organic and then inorganic matter. There's a type of photography that has been used for decades that picks up aura's around living beings. (Keilian photography I think)They used it on some pyramids and they showed a beam of energy coming down from the sky and hitting the top of the pyramids. Invisible to the human eye. If some people want to believe the pyramids around the world were built to bury people that's their perogative but I don't. I believe pyramids are energy generators.

We have introduced cancer as the number one killer on the planet. It now beats cardiovascular disease. There's a reason for that. Besides the bad things we ingest, all these cell phone towers all around us are bombarding us with positive ions and humans hate positive ions. People all around the world are now throwing orgonite tower busters at the base of them and that somehow stops the positive ions and converts them into negative ions.

Just for the record, I've had cancer, surgery, and treatment. I'm aware of so many causes and how much money the health industries make from your sickness. If you had a device that could help you live your life without being sick all the time, would it not be worth investigating? If you only had one nut left, would you not want to do everything in your power to keep it? Believe me when I say once you have cancer you will do an incredible amount of reading to try to find options that your local cancer treatment centre doesn't offer.

People are also putting orgonite around electronic devices such as TV's, computers, and cell phones. These orgonite devices are without getting to deep into the technical jargon, stopping the harmful effects that are coming out of them.

Besides growing weed, I am using orgonite under my bed to see if it can improve my heart and sleep apnea after suffering a heart attack. So I am testing this ancient knowledge to see if it works on both my plants and my own personal health. As I have said please give me until october to find out if it works or not.
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Good advice Vnsmkr. Orgonite is also known for cleaning your water and also for making things taste better by having the organite device near your food. It also helps to knock out stress and cancel radio waves emitted from cell phones and electronic devices which we are bombarded with on a constant basis. Further, there's a lot of videos showing evidence that these things disperse chem trails high above where they've been placed on the ground. So there's a lot of reasons for me to give this stuff a try.

If you're in the's a guy on facebook who sells the stuff.

i have played with copper coils and was sold on origonite but never made them :( thanks for the reminder .
i read somewhere you can put a pyramid between you an your enemy (neighbor) or whatever . and it will calm the waters so to speak
well said 1kemosabe. I am aware that humans have the power of will.

Reich rediscovered orgone energy but there was a husband and wife by the last name of croft who started putting it into shapes via epoxy resin and layering it with organic and then inorganic matter. There's a type of photography that has been used for decades that picks up aura's around living beings. (Keilian photography I think)They used it on some pyramids and they showed a beam of energy coming down from the sky and hitting the top of the pyramids. Invisible to the human eye. If some people want to believe the pyramids around the world were built to bury people that's their perogative but I don't. I believe pyramids are energy generators.

We have introduced cancer as the number one killer on the planet. It now beats cardiovascular disease. There's a reason for that. Besides the bad things we ingest, all these cell phone towers all around us are bombarding us with positive ions and humans hate positive ions. People all around the world are now throwing orgonite tower busters at the base of them and that somehow stops the positive ions and converts them into negative ions.

Just for the record, I've had cancer, surgery, and treatment. I'm aware of so many causes and how much money the health industries make from your sickness. If you had a device that could help you live your life without being sick all the time, would it not be worth investigating? If you only had one nut left, would you not want to do everything in your power to keep it? Believe me when I say once you have cancer you will do an incredible amount of reading to try to find options that your local cancer treatment centre doesn't offer.

People are also putting orgonite around electronic devices such as TV's, computers, and cell phones. These orgonite devices are without getting to deep into the technical jargon, stopping the harmful effects that are coming out of them.

Besides growing weed, I am using orgonite under my bed to see if it can improve my heart and sleep apnea after suffering a heart attack. So I am testing this ancient knowledge to see if it works on both my plants and my own personal health. As I have said please give me until october to find out if it works or not.

i am ordering some asap . plese keep us informed
well said 1kemosabe. I am aware that humans have the power of will.

Reich rediscovered orgone energy but there was a husband and wife by the last name of croft who started putting it into shapes via epoxy resin and layering it with organic and then inorganic matter. There's a type of photography that has been used for decades that picks up aura's around living beings. (Keilian photography I think)They used it on some pyramids and they showed a beam of energy coming down from the sky and hitting the top of the pyramids. Invisible to the human eye. If some people want to believe the pyramids around the world were built to bury people that's their perogative but I don't. I believe pyramids are energy generators.

We have introduced cancer as the number one killer on the planet. It now beats cardiovascular disease. There's a reason for that. Besides the bad things we ingest, all these cell phone towers all around us are bombarding us with positive ions and humans hate positive ions. People all around the world are now throwing orgonite tower busters at the base of them and that somehow stops the positive ions and converts them into negative ions.

Just for the record, I've had cancer, surgery, and treatment. I'm aware of so many causes and how much money the health industries make from your sickness. If you had a device that could help you live your life without being sick all the time, would it not be worth investigating? If you only had one nut left, would you not want to do everything in your power to keep it? Believe me when I say once you have cancer you will do an incredible amount of reading to try to find options that your local cancer treatment centre doesn't offer.

People are also putting orgonite around electronic devices such as TV's, computers, and cell phones. These orgonite devices are without getting to deep into the technical jargon, stopping the harmful effects that are coming out of them.

Besides growing weed, I am using orgonite under my bed to see if it can improve my heart and sleep apnea after suffering a heart attack. So I am testing this ancient knowledge to see if it works on both my plants and my own personal health. As I have said please give me until october to find out if it works or not.
heres a thought...what if in ancient Egypt they knew that the pyramids would transport the souls of those they buried to the next world...just a thought ie: the beam
Whose to say eh Rubyfruit. They certainly knew what they were doing back then which is why I suggest that if we as a society want to progress/develop ourselves more than we are (working like a slave in the pursuit of money that is supposed to make our lives better) then we need to look back in time as far back as we possibly can go. Atlantis. Lemuria. Even other terrestrial beings who supposedly live underground. The underground cities which are all over the world...they knew a lot more than we do in my opinion.

Joe dank mentioned something I forgot to talk about. If you put these orgonnite pyramids in areas where there are problems like say heroin addiction zones or areas where there's huge mental health problems mixed with drug problem areas...these things change the frequency there and peoples behaviours improve.

Have I any proof? Not with orgonite pyramids but over in Serbia they put monks in trouble areas who meditated daily in problematic areas and the energy there changed and there was less violence they noted. Then a new government came in, cancelled the monks and it went back to being a problematic area.

If you have a feud with a neighbor...put an orgonite object between you and them, or sneak one in their yard...orgonite is known to cause a sense of calmness where there was once anger. Try it for yourselves and see if it works for you.

Here is a link to a picture of a mini pyramid using a tesla coil. Kirlian photography was used and it clearly shows the double helix energy beam that connects with the apex of the pyramid and goes up to the sky...
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