Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck... My cat had kittens. I just though you should know..she snuck into my room and had them next to my bed and now my carpets all red. Day after she had them she shitted on my kitchen counter too .
awww I would sooo take one if u lived closer. mb two. so they could keep each other company....hey...pix when u get a minute...I could use some cuteness right now.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I had a slight accident. I had a water droplet sit in my first true leaves and they got light burned near the node. Can you guys tell me if it's good or if it's deadlined so I don't waste time with a bunk seed?


Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member

Old school. Like, I was probably about 2 years old, playing this game on the NES. (No shit, I could talk full sentences by 8 months, was doing collegiate level English in 2nd grade, and tested at 149 on my IQ test in 3rd grade.)