Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: "Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women, They Become ‘Feminized Men’

Those people you are referring too should be slapped for being assholes. But what about 105lb person that wants to go into the stall and pee?

And as for bloods I walk where I want. 5 of them jumped me for my phone hit me with a sandwich board. I fucked up 2 of them but got my ass kicked. Shit no one is going to tell me when and where to walk where I was born. Sucks to be you though letting people intimidate others in your town. I step up when I have to. Way to step up for criminals and bigots.
The 105 lb person can wait til my kid leaves the restroom it's a real simple concept.. I could tell by the way you sjw all over this thread that minorities have probably whooped your ass but me naww that aint happened because I respect people and their things. Same way a transperson needs to respect that they aren't going in the restroom with my kid. I am not advocating violence to the trans community I'm advocating that they have no place in the restroom with my child. I don't snicker when I see them I don't talk shit to them I have respect for them and their safety. they know going in the bathroom with children is gonna cause their lives problems at some point. lmfao at letting people intimidate others in "my" town holy shit that's unrealistic you act like you have the means to end gang violence hahahahaha ok buddy.
I am a minority stupid. And I won't let little kids act stupid in my neighborhood. Smh bro. People actually give a shit in NY and don't put up with that shit. As opposed to your imaginary bathroom crime neighbors look out for each other for real. Neighborhoods get shitty when people don't look out for each other. My neighborhood went from being mostly German Italian and Jewish to Mexican Ecuadorean and dominican and hugely Gay
Went from safe in the 80s to crack in the 90s to safe again in the last 10 years. The minority owned business matured the city became safer and gay people bought a lot of property and helped transform it
Now everybody gets along everybody gets a parade. It's chill. No gangs in my neighborhood and no violence because that causes ripples for the real gangsters.
wow. you are just making up your own reality as you go along so that it suits your bigoted and hateful worldview.

Gender dysphoria used to be called “gender identity disorder.” But the mismatch between body and internal sense of gender is not a mental illness.

i dont suppose you noticed they merely made an affirmative statement without any citations AT ALL to back up the claim.

You know buckyfuck, youre really good at making a common logical fallacy by appealing to authority as your lame attempt at proof, but poor you, logic just doesnt work that have to actually offer evidence to make your case and youve shown yourself amply capable of doing nothing but making very crude gradeschool level insults to go along with your a priori bullshit.

I have to say i do occasionally actually feel sorry for those who have been so tragically mentally wrecked by the architects that they appear to be complelely unaware of how obvious their programming is. And what is really rich is they often have a narcissism thats disproportionately large compared to their actual intelligence and skillset.

going a bit further through the bafoonish web md website buckyfuck wants us to accept as the ultimate authority for what is a mental will find a linked "mental illness" partway down which you can click on to take you to another page of the site.......on this page you will find at the bottom of the page a description of mental illnesses.......and THIS is where it gets good.....

so remember guys, they are listing mental ilnesses right? ok just wanna make sure were all on the same page here......

buckyballs linked to a webmd page that said that the MISMATCH between body and internal SENSE of gender is not mental illness.

When you read the definition of GENDER DYSPHORIA is sounds exactly like a person who feels there is a mismatch between their body and their sense of it......

its on page 2 here

whats that near the bottom? oh yeah, gender identity disorder.....and theyre calling it a mental illness.....geee........

now if you dont think feeling a mismatch between your body and your inner sense of gender (whatever the fuck thay is) is gender dysphoria........then i think you must need your head checked.

What is Gender Identity Disorder?
Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth

Now you all are welcome to make up your minds about the rediculous word play and spin that people are putting on this......but i know bullshit when i see it.......and this issue has agenda stinking like bucks rotten shit written all over it in piles and mounds of shit....

did anyone ever read Platos Republic? .
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I am a minority stupid. And I won't let little kids act stupid in my neighborhood. Smh bro. People actually give a shit in NY and don't put up with that shit. As opposed to your imaginary bathroom crime neighbors look out for each other for real. Neighborhoods get shitty when people don't look out for each other. My neighborhood went from being mostly German Italian and Jewish to Mexican Ecuadorean and dominican and hugely Gay
Went from safe in the 80s to crack in the 90s to safe again in the last 10 years. The minority owned business matured the city became safer and gay people bought a lot of property and helped transform it
Now everybody gets along everybody gets a parade. It's chill. No gangs in my neighborhood and no violence because that causes ripples for the real gangsters.
Still have never commented about the article that clearly shows that people have exploited this trans shit to perv out in bathrooms. Any way here's my map I've made of places that are accepting of the trans peoples. I don't know why they feel the need to decide that all the unhighlighted areas need put them up on a pedestal and change laws that have clearly worked out well for the vast majority people that live there. USA.jpg
There are actual people in this thread who think that children can consent, yet you criticize this guy?

You suck at trolling.
I've gone after them about it and i will every time i see them post about it. I feel he's wrong too. Trans have no place around kids in restrooms IMO. I don't want thickstemz anywhere around any children period.
i dont suppose you noticed they merely made an affirmative statement without any citations AT ALL to back up the claim.

You know buckyfuck, youre really good at making a common logical fallacy by appealing to authority as your lame attempt at proof, but poor you, logic just doesnt work that have to actually offer evidence to make your case and youve shown yourself amply capable of doing nothing but making very crude gradeschool level insults to go along with your a priori bullshit.

I have to say i do occasionally actually feel sorry for those who have been so tragically mentally wrecked by the architects that they appear to be complelely unaware of how obvious their programming is. And what is really rich is they often have a narcissism thats disproportionately large compared to their actual intelligence and skillset.

going a bit further through the bafoonish web md website buckyfuck wants us to accept as the ultimate authority for what is a mental will find a linked "mental illness" partway down which you can click on to take you to another page of the site.......on this page you will find at the bottom of the page a description of mental illnesses.......and THIS is where it gets good.....

so remember guys, they are listing mental ilnesses right? ok just wanna make sure were all on the same page here......

buckyballs linked to a webmd page that said that the MISMATCH between body and internal SENSE of gender is not mental illness.

When you read the definition of GENDER DYSPHORIA is sounds exactly like a person who feels there is a mismatch between their body and their sense of it......

its on page 2 here

whats that near the bottom? oh yeah, gender identity disorder.....and theyre calling it a mental illness.....geee........

now if you dont think feeling a mismatch between your body and your inner sense of gender (whatever the fuck thay is) is gender dysphoria........then i think you must need your head checked.

What is Gender Identity Disorder?
Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth

Now you all are welcome to make up your minds about the rediculous word play and spin that people are putting on this......but i know bullshit when i see it.......and this issue has agenda stinking like bucks rotten shit written all over it in piles and mounds of shit....

did anyone ever read Platos Republic? .

it's not called gender identity disorder anymore. you want to brush up on the DSM-5, dipshit.

it's not a mental illness either.

the main source of distress for thos ewith gender dysphoria comes not from within, but rather form the discrimination they face from bigoted fucktards like yourself.

don't believe me? then believe the DSM-5.

Just making fun of the fact that your trans bogeyman went from being a made up monster to a human being you just want to segregate. It's easy for you to target someone who looks different.
the transgender person just wants to pee.

you are the idiotic bigot with the problem. so you're just gonna have to wait for them to finish pissing if you don't want your kid in there with them.

you dumb fucking bigot.
Yeah if i saw a transperson go in first I would make my child wait. See it's not even a problem I'm not asking for anything I wouldn't do. Not a bigot because I don't want a scientifically proven male to go in the restroom with my daughter. I'm not intolerant to transpeople I just don't want them in the bathroom with my child. My question for you is why do you want an adult male in the restroom with my child?