Your anti Semitism, conspiracy theorys and hatred for jews nullifys any rational criticism anyone can have of Israel's policys, Because detractors like me will be lumped in with A holes like youIf I was real... Id become a Asteroid and Drop myself right on Jerusalem.. and save the world all the pain/suffering that has come from that shit hole
Well, at least you have an open mind about it.Im Anti-Zionist and understand that Jews control the Media, Medical, Education, Political system ... therefore I say fuck em all ...
Hamas lol a bunch of fertilizer rocket tossers lol vs Nuclear Israel... ever heard of David vs Goliath
Truth is ..even the Bible has been edited like a motherfucker and its been used to brain washed old white people into believing that Jesus Killers are God Chosen people and need to Suck the US dry for its own self defense...
Israel is scum and all of its leaders should burn in Hell ... Its a shame for the real Jews.. aka the Palestinians that because of fairy tales they've been treated like garbage... fuck Israel.. one day hopefully someone hits the Dimona Nuclear plant with a proper sized munition and turn that whole region into sand .. thats what they deserve for getting so many People including USA soldiers killed in their War of Regional Dominance..
When Trump is President... your Welfare Days are done ...
I wouldn't call myself a Zionist because I don't like the implication present in that nomenclature that Israel's right to exist is mandated by God. I think Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself for entirely secular reasons, not because it is Zion and the Jews were promised Zion. So I usually label myself as "Pro-Israel" rather than "Zionist". But it is a difference of only semantics, so I don't really care if other people think of me as a Zionist.I'm guessing you would call yourself a Zionist?
That's because you are willing to believe anything that fits your preferred paradigm. Much easier to pretend that you aren't in bed with scum that way.I wouldn't doubt if you and oswuzzle aren't the same person
Love you tooyou are way too dumb to get gainful employment. i bet you are on welfare just like @Uncle Ben and @ky man and @Flaming Pie and @nitro harley and most of the rest of the right wingers.
Your referencing a biblical claim is the first and yes your attempt to lay that at the feet of someone else is nonsense.That was something like 2000 years ago. Rome deprived the Jewish people of ownership at that time. It was all legal and proper. At least by Roman standards.
I'm not debating whether or not the people of Israel belong where they are, I'm just saying that the biblical claim is nonsense. Modern history has plenty of precedents to allow this claim to be made.
I wouldn't call myself a Zionist because I don't like the implication present in that nomenclature that Israel's right to exist is mandated by God. I think Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself for entirely secular reasons, not because it is Zion and the Jews were promised Zion. So I usually label myself as "Pro-Israel" rather than "Zionist". But it is a difference of only semantics, so I don't really care if other people think of me as a Zionist.
Do you walk to school or carry your lunch?Should US withhold the 2-4 Billion in aid we give if Israel continues to build Illigal settlements or just continues giving them what ever they want ?
Should US withhold the 2-4 Billion in aid we give if Israel continues to build Illigal settlements or just continues giving them what ever they want ?
Like I said, I just disagree with the name. Zion is a concept from religion, not reality, even if it corresponds to a real world place.Zionism emerged in the late 19th century in central and eastern Europe as a national revival movement, in reaction to anti-Semitic and exclusionary nationalist movements in Europe