The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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great, cuz, you said so. Any more than that?
Look up her time working for a senator. I hate to play the Google card, but you can cross search "Hillary Clinton" with:

Putin emails
Clinton foundation personal gain

I've posted the wall street journal article about her selling off our uranium to Russia.

Shit, she was also anti gay...Fuck I can't even remember the start of this conversation. I figure it was a shit in hillary thread
Look up her time working for a senator. I hate to play the Google card, but you can cross search "Hillary Clinton" with:

Putin emails
Clinton foundation personal gain

I've posted the wall street journal article about her selling off our uranium to Russia.

Shit, she was also anti gay...Fuck I can't even remember the start of this conversation. I figure it was a shit in hillary thread
There is a mythical story about Hillary getting fired when working on the Watergate investigation as a scrub lawyer. Totally pants on fire false. She didn't even work for the guy who claimed to fire her. Hillary gets trashed by the right wing so much that its ridiculous. I don't support some of her policies but the right wing don't care whether their claims are true or not. Stuff goes on and on in zombie mode. The right consumes every last infected drop of bile about her regardless of facts. Vince Foster, Travel gate, the Watergate bullshit, and so forth. Nothing there.

However, her flip flopping about gay marriage (bullshit on the anti gay thing), her stance regarding free trade, her cozy relationship with Wall Street, all are hard for me to take and surprise, surprise, are true.
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There is a mythical story about Hillary getting fired when working on the Watergate investigation as a scrub lawyer. Totally pants on fire false. She didn't even work for the guy who claimed to fire her. Hillary gets trashed by the right wing so much that its ridiculous. I don't support some of her policies but the right wing don't care whether their claims are true or not. Stuff goes on and on in zombie mode. The right eats every last infected drop of bile about her regardless of facts. Vince Foster, Travel gate, the Watergate bullshit, and so forth. Nothing there.

However, her flip flopping about gay marriage (bullshit on the anti gay thing), her stance regarding free trade, her cozy relationship with Wall Street, all are hard for me to take and surprise, surprise, are true.

I don't think she cares about the corrosion of democracy her positions represent.

That's why she'll never get my vote.
Look up her time working for a senator. I hate to play the Google card, but you can cross search "Hillary Clinton" with:

Putin emails
Clinton foundation personal gain

I've posted the wall street journal article about her selling off our uranium to Russia.

Shit, she was also anti gay...Fuck I can't even remember the start of this conversation. I figure it was a shit in hillary thread
Snopes says the uranium charge is bullshit
hillary will absolutely, 100%, eat trump's ass in the debates. looking foolish on a stage that big will cause a meltdown that'll be talked about for years. he doesn't want the job, never did. the whole thing is an ego trip for the ages. his only hope of explaining his epic misjudgement will ultimately be, " i didn't want the job, the whole thing was a lark and you losers bought it!"

howard hughes II while being nursed back to health by invanka

once hillary has smashed trump, the republicans are going to pay heavy for the 30 yrs of republican drama fests and the accompanying investigations that have come up empty. hillary will be merciless and the fucktard republicans won't know whether to shit or go blind

the republicans and their retarded cousins the teabaggers have become the used condom of political parties.

well played
hillary will absolutely, 100%, eat trump's ass in the debates. looking foolish on a stage that big will cause a meltdown that'll be talked about for years. he doesn't want the job, never did. the whole thing is an ego trip for the ages. his only hope of explaining his epic misjudgement will ultimately be, " i didn't want the job, the whole thing was a lark and you losers bought it!"

howard hughes II while being nursed back to health by invanka

once hillary has smashed trump, the republicans are going to pay heavy for the 30 yrs of republican drama fests and the accompanying investigations that have come up empty. hillary will be merciless and the fucktard republicans won't know whether to shit or go blind

the republicans and their retarded cousins the teabaggers have become the used condom of political parties.

well played
Wish it was Cruz up there. I think it's unfair he gets to whimper offstage. I wanted a proper ass kicking of Ted
There is a mythical story about Hillary getting fired when working on the Watergate investigation as a scrub lawyer. Totally pants on fire false. She didn't even work for the guy who claimed to fire her. Hillary gets trashed by the right wing so much that its ridiculous. I don't support some of her policies but the right wing don't care whether their claims are true or not. Stuff goes on and on in zombie mode. The right eats every last infected drop of bile about her regardless of facts. Vince Foster, Travel gate, the Watergate bullshit, and so forth. Nothing there.

However, her flip flopping about gay marriage (bullshit on the anti gay thing), her stance regarding free trade, her cozy relationship with Wall Street, all are hard for me to take and surprise, surprise, are true.

How do you explain many of the Bernie worshippers dislike for the Hillary beast?

Extra credit question - How do you explain many of the Bernie worshippers cognitive dissonance in light of the fact Bernie and Hillary vote the same way well over 90% of the time?
hillary will absolutely, 100%, eat trump's ass in the debates. looking foolish on a stage that big will cause a meltdown that'll be talked about for years. he doesn't want the job, never did. the whole thing is an ego trip for the ages. his only hope of explaining his epic misjudgement will ultimately be, " i didn't want the job, the whole thing was a lark and you losers bought it!"

howard hughes II while being nursed back to health by invanka

once hillary has smashed trump, the republicans are going to pay heavy for the 30 yrs of republican drama fests and the accompanying investigations that have come up empty. hillary will be merciless and the fucktard republicans won't know whether to shit or go blind

the republicans and their retarded cousins the teabaggers have become the used condom of political parties.

well played

This fantasy of yours ignores the fact that Mrs Clinton is beholden to nearly all the same corporate interests as her republican opponents. So exactly what will change? Partisan witch hunts that ignore the problems of our disappearing middle class? Lol

Americans are being treated to a spectacle of their interests being ignored in favor of those who can afford to play. It's a watershed moment of historic proportions.

You're completely suckered in by the sleight of hand, while the machine continues to pick your pocket and strangle your civil rights.
This fantasy of yours ignores the fact that Mrs Clinton is beholden to nearly all the same corporate interests as her republican opponents. So exactly what will change? Partisan witch hunts that ignore the problems of our disappearing middle class? Lol

Americans are being treated to a spectacle of their interests being ignored in favor of those who can afford to play. It's a watershed moment of historic proportions.

You're completely suckered in by the sleight of hand, while the machine continues to pick your pocket and strangle your civil rights.
What can those special interests do for her once She attains office?
How do you explain many of the Bernie worshippers dislike for the Hillary beast?

Extra credit question - How do you explain many of the Bernie worshippers cognitive dissonance in light of the fact Bernie and Hillary vote the same way well over 90% of the time?
10% is actually a pretty big difference when within a party. Iraq war is a huge one someone else listed a bunch of others where I would have been with Bernie 100%. A vote for Hillary is 4 more years of Obama's shitty presidency which includes a whole lot more war. Obama just sent special forces to about 7 nations in the Middle East and Africa. I don't want another Obama he is worse than Bush when it comes to war and forced health insurance.
10% is actually a pretty big difference when within a party. Iraq war is a huge one someone else listed a bunch of others where I would have been with Bernie 100%. A vote for Hillary is 4 more years of Obama's shitty presidency which includes a whole lot more war. Obama just sent special forces to about 7 nations in the Middle East and Africa. I don't want another Obama he is worse than Bush when it comes to war and forced health insurance.
Which branch of service have you served? Which war ?
What can those special interests do for her once She attains office?

Plenty! They can keep shoveling money and influence her way- as long as she continues to play ball and do their bidding.

Mr Sanders has made it very clear that he WON'T be playing ball with the monied establishment, which is why he's been systematically disrespected in the media, railroaded in the primaries and misrepresented in his message.

Ask yourself; what has Mrs Clinton promised to do for YOUR bottom line?

Mr Sanders has been doggedly on message for THIRTY YEARS now. That message has always been about empowering the middle class and reducing the influence of money in politics. It's a message I agree with wholeheartedly, and one you too should support if you'd like to see your circumstances and prospects improve.

A vote for Chump OR Shillary is a vote for the continued political hegemony of money over democracy. That's why I'm voting for Mr Sanders in November. That's my message.
Plenty! They can keep spelling money and influence- as long as she continues to play ball and do their bidding.

Mr Sanders has made it very clear that he WON'T be playing ball with the monied establishment, which is why he's been systematically disrespected in the media, railroaded in the primaries and misrepresented in his message.

Ask yourself; what has Mrs Clinton promised to do for YOUR bottom line?
She holds the promise of keeping a republican out of office.
I'm voting democrat November 8th. Regardless of who is nominated.
Are you?
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