Well-Known Member
Bernie just showed me more how much of a hypocrite he can be.Bernie's old Lady is a God Damn Saint compared to the Clinton's or Chelsea Clinton's in laws.
Bernie just showed me more how much of a hypocrite he can be.Bernie's old Lady is a God Damn Saint compared to the Clinton's or Chelsea Clinton's in laws.
Having shown up and cast my vote at the Colorado caucus (a closed primary, don't let the label fool you), I saw a large number of Bernie backers who definitely don't fit that description.
Did you attend your primary?
@schuylaar was quite clear about the reason for her inability to attend; she registered as a Democrat after the deadline. Just so it doesn't go unsaid, THAT'S VOTER SUPPRESSION!
@schuylaar is going to put you on ignore talking about her baby daddy
DNC is nervous, they can't understand why Bernie Backers won't fall in line..I love it!
uhhhh thank you, but remember I'm marriedWhy are you such a freak?
If a court finds that a person is Page 10 STATE State Constitution/ Electoral Statutes: Persons Disqualified Guardianship/ Conservatorship Statutes Mental Health Statutes Developmental Disabilities/ Mental Retardation Statutes Anyone disqualified under the Constitution may not vote. KY. REV. STAT.I voted for Bernie about 10;00 today,fuck that bitch.if Bernie don't get to run I will vote
why are Bernie supporters so violent
YOu do realize that if both Clinton and Sanders are on the ballot, Trump is for sure our next prez.
Have you listened to Hillary lately? My god... Not as bad as nails on a blackboard but like listening to your mother in-law going on 3 weeks... I cant imagine listening to that for 6 more months much less 4 more years...
Bernie's old Lady is a God Damn Saint compared to the Clinton's or Chelsea Clinton's in laws.
Honestly, Im not watching this go around. I all ready know who has my vote. I dont even have time for this place, which is nice because reading the garbage some post is a negative I dont need.
Would that all candidates were as clear as Bernie about condemning violence by their supporters. This from the link you provided:And the smear campaigns and games go on;
Would that all candidates were as clear as Bernie about condemning violence by their supporters. This from the link you provided:
"Our campaign of course believes in non-violent change and it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals."
contrast that with the Orange-Headed One's glorification of violence.
Is Oregon winner take all state?8:40 pm on election night in Oregon.
61% of the vote is already counted. I love vote by mail.
Bernie Sanders 203,650 52.1%
Hillary Clinton 181,376 46.4%
Our 61 delegates won't alter the course of this primary season but still, Oregon is Berning Hillary.