Is early yellowing normal?


Seedling is 3 days from breaking the surface. I noticed one is starting its second set of true leaves and a yellowish hue is already visible. Is this normal for a seedling? Or is something already missing in the soil?



Using pro mix organic soil with about 25% added perlite and 15-20% worm castings. The other seed in the same mixture is next to it and not yellowing.



Well-Known Member
Using pro mix organic soil with about 25% added perlite and 15-20% worm castings. The other seed in the same mixture is next to it and not yellowing.
Does your dirt dry out by air relatively quick? There are a few possibilties...i've had numerous cases of these, my experience its just the bean not having enough juice in the may correct itself and it may not....keep an eye on its growth...if it laaaaaaaaaaaaags way behind the other in the next week, you can give it a small small small shot of some liquid nitrogen nute....try a 1/16th dose, but seedlings are very fragile and might get cooked if you over do it, but if its on life support already, maybe it will bring it back...i wish you the best of luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Somethings wrong, stop watering and get back on here in a couple a days to show us again.


This one was advancing faster than the other one. I haven't really watered yet..maybe half a cup for the 4.5 gallon container since I planted them on Saturday morning. I have no idea if the soil is too wet or too dry...all I know is I read over and over..less is more. And they are auto's so no nutes at all till flowering. I'll give it till the weekend, if it's still yellow i'll throw it away. maybe the other one will survive.


Well-Known Member
New growth will almost always have a yellow hue to it and there is zero wrong with your seedling. The seedling stage is the easiest IMO. Gentle watering and keeping the light close is literally all you have to do. Once they start to lose those round leafs you can start worrying about feeding them and stuff.

If you're this worried about it now I got bad news for you dude wait til you hit flowering and your little girl starts acting like a bratty teen who isn't happy with anything you do.


New growth will almost always have a yellow hue to it and there is zero wrong with your seedling. The seedling stage is the easiest IMO. Gentle watering and keeping the light close is literally all you have to do. Once they start to lose those round leafs you can start worrying about feeding them and stuff.

If you're this worried about it now I got bad news for you dude wait til you hit flowering and your little girl starts acting like a bratty teen who isn't happy with anything you do.
ya I know..its why im looking to actually get rid of them before they die or become useless lol. I got auto's as I thought they were easier for a newbie and less to deal with..but I highly doubt its the case:) I wont be keeping them till flowering lol.


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't be yellow like that. Either over or under water. I will say most likely over.

If you plant a seed straight to dirt by time it breaks ground it will have 4-6 inch tap root. It can reach the moisture deeper in the pot.

There is one more possibility. You may have got a hot bag of soil. Maybe thin the organic soil out a little for starting seeds.

It is not a major problem. Don't over water and it will be fine.

Best way to tell is picking the pot up. If it feels light, it needs water.


It shouldn't be yellow like that. Either over or under water. I will say most likely over.

If you plant a seed straight to dirt by time it breaks ground it will have 4-6 inch tap root. It can reach the moisture deeper in the pot.

There is one more possibility. You may have got a hot bag of soil. Maybe thin the organic soil out a little for starting seeds.

It is not a major problem. Don't over water and it will be fine.

Best way to tell is picking the pot up. If it feels light, it needs water.
I haven't watered! ..if half a cup for 4.5 gallons in 4 days is too much..then ya I guess it was over watered. The lifting pot technique that i keep reading about over and over wont work in my situation as it wasn't drenched in water when I planted it weight the same now as then. maybe its too hot or too cold..maybe too bright or not bright enough lol. I cant do anything much more about it. unfortunately I thought I can start and after 6 weeks of reading..I thought I can do it..but as many answers you get one get exactly the same amount saying to do the opposite lol. There is no clear cut answer to I will stick with my math and leave the gardening to farmers lol. You need a phd in this to get anywhere it seems:) Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
ya I know..its why im looking to actually get rid of them before they die or become useless lol. I got auto's as I thought they were easyier for a newbie and less to deal with..but I hoghly doubt its the case:) I wont be keeping them till flowering lol
Nothing wrong with auto flowers in organic soil. I do the same. Autos love a good living soil.

g.JPG IMG_20160511_171136720_HDR.jpg The two on the right are 36 inches. Colas are as big as my forearm. They have done that in a little over 6 weeks.

You are doing something wrong and until you correct it, you will have problems.


I know..I wont be able to fix it. maybe its the cfl's..maybe a 1000 watt light would have been better..but again..who knows..could be anything really. f no one takes it off my hands..i'll keep the light on it till it tips over and crumbles lol. Hoping to get a 3.5 to 7g from it to get my money back lol.


Well-Known Member
I haven't watered! ..if half a cup for 4.5 gallons in 4 days is too much..then ya I guess it was over watered. The lifting pot technique that i keep reading about over and over wont work in my situation as it wasn't drenched in water when I planted it weight the same now as then. maybe its too hot or too cold..maybe too bright or not bright enough lol. I cant do anything much more about it. unfortunately I thought I can start and after 6 weeks of reading..I thought I can do it..but as many answers you get one get exactly the same amount saying to do the opposite lol. There is no clear cut answer to I will stick with my math and leave the gardening to farmers lol. You need a phd in this to get anywhere it seems:) Thanks for the help!
The lifting technique will work. If it feels heavy, don't water.

Take two containers the same size. Put the soil the way you used it and let the other dry under a fan or oven.

Feel the difference in weight, even if you didn't drench it.

They make cheap analog moisture meters to. Less than ten bucks on amazon.


Well-Known Member
I know..I wont be able to fix it. maybe its the cfl's..maybe a 1000 watt light would have been better..but again..who knows..could be anything really. f no one takes it off my hands..i'll keep the light on it till it tips over and crumbles lol. Hoping to get a 3.5 to 7g from it to get my money back lol.
Cfl is fine. The 1000 would fry it.

Those ones I just showed are under t5.


Well-Known Member
No point in throwing it away. Use it to learn. Correct it and you will know for next time.

It may need water.

Water real good with 20-30% run off and then let it dry.


I cant correct something when I have no idea what the problem is. Yellowing just means something is wrong. Im not a horticulturist? figure out what it may be. From what I read one shouldn't even have problems this early! lol. I learnt that gardening is not for me..certainly not mj! lol. Too hard to grow indoors for me:) It was a fun ride..i learnt a bit in the past 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I cant correct something when I have no idea what the problem is. Yellowing just means something is wrong. Im not a horticulturist? figure out what it may be. From what I read one shouldn't even have problems this early! lol. I learnt that gardening is not for me..certainly not mj! lol. Too hard to grow indoors for me:) It was a fun ride..i learnt a bit in the past 6 weeks.
OK then.

You are right. Just chuck it out the door. No reason in wasting electricity.

Or put it outside and do its thing.

We all had to learn dude. One little yellow seedling and you give up.

How old are you? Do you quit everything so easy if it doesn't work out?

Read some of the sticky threads. The threads that stay at the top in the newbie and indoor sections.

It will most likely be fine and grow out of it.

If you change your mind, hit me up.


Well-Known Member
ya I know..its why im looking to actually get rid of them before they die or become useless lol. I got auto's as I thought they were easier for a newbie and less to deal with..but I highly doubt its the case:) I wont be keeping them till flowering lol.
I'm not aware as to the limitations of your grow so I'm going to trust you'd have a good reason to throw out a perfectly fine plant.


Well-Known Member
I cant correct something when I have no idea what the problem is. Yellowing just means something is wrong. Im not a horticulturist? figure out what it may be. From what I read one shouldn't even have problems this early! lol. I learnt that gardening is not for me..certainly not mj! lol. Too hard to grow indoors for me:) It was a fun ride..i learnt a bit in the past 6 weeks.
It is one of three things.

Over water, we can eliminate because of how little you watered.

Under water. This would be the culprit. Water it until water runs out the bottom. Make a mental note of the weight of the pot.

Hot soil. Might be possible but still going with water problem.

Just water it good and then let it dry.