What is causing this?


Well-Known Member
Plants look healthy for most part. Some show purple leaf veins and a pale green of leaf I'm thinking it's either early burn or salt build up or it might be because I'm using tap and chlorine might be affecting them ppm of tap is 140. Temps are around 86 at the peak Temps. Any ideas what's causing this. Day 14 of flower



Well-Known Member
what lights u using? did you put the plants into a long dark periods before flower ?as i have seen light green growth before into earlie flower.Is it every top thats like this ? and has it only just happened did the leaf look darker than this before or has it grew out this colour ?


Well-Known Member
New growth in my experience always comes in with a little bit of yellow. Your plants look really great the only thing I could think is maybe your tip top might be close to the light? I can't tell in this picture so idk.


Well-Known Member
Will darken up,should be on around 1.5 /1.6 ec at the stage your at .Have you started with early PK spike yet.


Well-Known Member
Uurrggghg when i see stuff like that it always makea me think of a micronutrient deficiency.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
And maybe stop pulling off leaves as well. Not sure that's really helping your plant maximize its energy. I've tried a few times and just never worked for me but who knows lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
And yes it may be a tad hot if the leaves near the top are starting to cup. They actually don't look to bad and as said new foilage on flowering stage plants is alway lighter IMO.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Does this seem normal for new growth?

Three weeks into veg

Some fan leaves getting a purple/brown stripe on only the TOP of the steam that faces the light... 17"away from top and the plants get rotated once a day..

75-78 during light
58-68 during night

Water once every three days

No neuts

Just soil water and light...
It looks like you should start your own thread :(.