Seedling Problems


Well-Known Member
I have 10 seedlings about a week old since they sprouted. Today one of them fell over from being too top heavy, I guess. I think they're reaching for light too much; three of them grew 1"/day for the first four days. I moved my lights a little close and added some support as well as turning their fan off. Any suggestions on how to prevent this in the future?

I also carefully removed the root system from the soil and cut the stem just below where it collapsed and replanted it immediately. Is there a chance it will regrow?


Well-Known Member
cut the stem? like you cut the roots off? why carefully remove it if you are just cutting the roots off. if you cut the roots off, i think you killed that one. you could try to treat it like a clone i guess and hit it with some rooting powder, but it is not likely to work. you need to rebury your stretchy stems and get some CFLs or FLs within 4 inches or so.


Active Member
Yeah that's quite a bit of stretch, like growdict said transplant and bury those stretched stems and move the light much closer to prevent further stretching and maybe do some shopping for some better lighting.

John marks

Active Member
I have 10 seedlings about a week old since they sprouted. Today one of them fell over from being too top heavy, I guess. I think they're reaching for light too much; three of them grew 1"/day for the first four days. I moved my lights a little close and added some support as well as turning their fan off. Any suggestions on how to prevent this in the future?

I also carefully removed the root system from the soil and cut the stem just below where it collapsed and replanted it immediately. Is there a chance it will regrow?
From what you describes I feel like you might need less red in your spectrum and lights closer to plants ...what is your light cycle ATM

John marks

Active Member
Close lights with a lot of blue spectrum generally depending on what strain, and what size plant you want.not to mention what the proper light specs do for the photo period , which I'm not educated enough to go into but def less red


Active Member
18/6 currently. Any suggestions on lights? I'm on a pretty tight budget until fall.
You'll get different answers on that one... I've used hps/mh and LED's. I prefer the LED's. I grow mostly autos and got 4 1/4 dry off my last one and as they do produce heat it's much less than a lot of others forms of lighting as well as using less electricity. Can be found on eBay or Amazon at very reasonable prices.

John marks

Active Member
Now different spectrums do different things for your plant so ideally you want as many different spectrums in there as possible (and you have to remember we can't see these spectrums) like obviously you can tell what color a bulb is but with CFLs there is a lot more to them than that,but for right now just make sure you get 6500kelvins maybe some 5k wouldn't hurt or even a 4100k if you can find one, anything with at least 1000 lumens will be good for your seedlings for awhile

John marks

Active Member
I'm in Colorado Springs. There's mj specific gardening stores all over the place. I'll go ask them about some LEDs.
I can tell you right now LEDs arnt worth buying unless you know what your doing and what your a lot of research. that doesn't mean trust the guy at the store lol if your having trouble with spectrums now mate hold onto your holsters