

New Member
I'm 6 weeks into flower now and things are looking good. We've got another 41 clones flowering in there too. Going to be taking another 50 clones off the clones in the next couple of days. If everything goes to plan, we should have 40 plants coming through 5 weeks after our first crop, then we'll have 50 coming through 4 weeks after that. We're sort of juggling at the moment, as we need to wait for the money off the first crop before we can buy all the extra lighting, pots, clay pebbles etc. We're going to be doing a clay pebble, soil mix as soon as we can, the bottom of the pot will be filled half way with soil and the top filled with the clay pebbles. Does this sound okay?

Just thought I'd mention this while we're waiting for the George 1 thing to be sorted out.


Well-Known Member
Hey skunk, how do you guys stand it over there in the UK with all the cameras and shit. I heard the government watches everybody there. Is it really as bad as I'm hearing. How could you grow such a large crop and not be paranoid in such an enviornment? BTW those fucking cameras are popping all over the place here in the U.S. too. I'm scared, our society is slowly starting to resemble George Orwell's "1984".


Active Member
Doob...Skunk's doin lines off the table at his local bar, I don't think he's too worried about "the cameras"....what cameras??


Well-Known Member
Surveillance cameras, I heard that they are all over london. " Eye in the sky"
you know? They monitor the "citizens". And my question to Skunk was how he can do the things he does and not get caught, if he lives in that kind of enviornment?


Well-Known Member
He's a professional Criminal! Professional like he knows what he's doing! You know, very sneaky, maybe I should say stealthy. I've known a few professional Criminals in my day, My brother is one. He has brass balls as big as watermelons. He's only 5'8" tall, but I've seen him whip dudes twice his size. He did a few stretches in lock-up, had to take care of business a couple a times. Him and his tatood friends are pretty tough, I don't see him much anymore as I pissed him off once and I guess he didn't want to kill his big brother so he left. I miss him but his friends are scary! Professional criminals usually stick together as the rest of us just don't get it!


New Member
The thing with the cameras is that there aren't enough people to watch them all... the money to keep them operational all the time... and mostly they are there to scare you. Our CCTV is mainly in the city centres and high streets, they don't worry me because they can't watch everybody.

There's been two occasions in my life where CCTV would have helped ME, I had to defend myself and this guy ends up pressing charges against me. The area is covered by at least 15 cameras. I asked for the CCTV evidence and they said that none of the cameras caught the incident.

They're not really watching us, they just like to pretend they are.


New Member
"and mostly they are there to scare you."

The Internal Revenue Service does that very nicely here, thank you.



Well-Known Member
I agree. Vi.
I wonder if Wesley Snipes is scared now...
He ows 12 milliion in Taxes. He's in Africa now, I wonder if he'll come back here to the U.S.?


New Member
[quote=Doobie006;12616]I agree. Vi. [/quote]
I wonder if Wesley Snipes is scared now...
He ows 12 milliion in Taxes. He's in Africa now, I wonder if he'll come back here to the U.S.?

Exactly, Doobie.

I wish more folks on this site could see what the IRS really is. It is a terrorist organization, through which, the federal government manipulates the masses.

If Wesley Snipes (and us) lived in a truely free country, he wouldn't have the tax problems he has now. In a truely free country, it is none of the government's business how much money the citizen makes, how he/she makes it, or how it is spent ... as long as the citizen does not violate another citizen's rights in the process.

What amazes me are the ones who complain about DEA raids on cannabis compassion clubs, then with the same breath, want to hand our entire medical care system over to the federal government to run. They never put two and two together and see that a government that has the power to give the citizens everything, also has the power to take it away.



Well-Known Member
That's true. I think the less power a government has the better.
BTW Vi, You and I may not see "eye to eye" on some things, I.E. the Iraq war, or the Bush Administration. But I, like you subscribe to the Jeffersonian idea of government.


Well-Known Member
Also,I really have a hard time fitting neatly into any label.
I guess I am Libertarian when it comes to privacy and civil liberties and personal freedom, Liberal or more accurately "Secular progressive" when it comes to faith and religion and marriage, and conservative on Gun control, capatalism, fiscal responsibility. Also I believe that anyone of these taken to the far-left or far-rigt extreme is dangerous to a free society.


New Member
Not at all. The *lol* was just a way of saying: "Whew!, after what I've been through on this site trying to convert the thinking of a Communist, I finally found someone, or you found me, that makes sense. It was a compliment, really.



Well-Known Member
Yeh, I read the conversations between you and Meduseonly.
It's not that his beliefs are wrong, I agree with a few of them. But that guy just makes really weak arguments, usually not based in reality. If his arguments don't conform to logic and he produces no evidence to back up some of his claims, how can anyone have a meaningful conversation with him.