avoid ppm's if you can... use EC instead... its a simpler use of numbers as depending on your type of pen one pens ph can be 400ppm and another can be 500ppm... but in the ec it will always be the same ec... view the chart i attached and you can see what i mean about the differences (information from another member whos name i cannot recall)...
start off low about 100-150ppms (if you need to use that) or about .2 ec... and follow the rules below
ec goes up, ph goes down = plants need less nutes
ec goes down, ph goes up= plants need nutes
ec stable, ph goes up= you got it dialed in proper
the plants can be delicate... so start LOW on the amount of nutes... its easy go overboard (add more food, make more buds) but that can backfire on you in an instant with "nute lockout"... i use about 1/4 strenth to 1/2 strength of my botanicare line and the plants thrive, as i near the end of the flower period i can be at almost full strength but i watch the leaves for the "claw" motion which usually means my ppm/ec is too HIGH... the plants should be reaching for the light. after each res change i allow the plants to just suck up water for a day or 2 before i add more nutes back in... i watch for changes in the plants behavior.
ph 5.8
h2o temp 68 degrees
air tem 78 degrees
humidity 70 veg, 50ish flower
the above helps my ppm/ec stay more stable along with the ph, i avoid swings and try to shoot for 5.7-6.0ph.
if you wanna just skip all this shit.. read up on the "lucas" formula... so simple and its widely used... and the success from growers im sure speak volumes.