Advice for getting into dabbing?


I know this isn't really the right category of the forum to ask this but I tried asked in the "toke n talk" section and it didn't go to well, and im hoping someone can kind of point me into the right directions for this and send me to some sites that have good quality dab rig related items where I can get everything I need.
So I've been smoking for a few years but in the past few weeks a lot of my friends have given up smoking straight bud and switched to dabbing. I've taken a few hits from dab rigs bit haven't "operated" one myself yet (the only time I tried to I sort of set my sleeve on fire so I'm a bit intimidated by it now)
So what are concentrates, how do I use a dab rig, what do I need to get to start dabbing, and what's a good website to order a relatively cheap but decent rig?
Amazon if ur on a budget or dont care about name brands. They got a nice looking 12inch glass rig/bong, with a honeycomb an 6 tree perc for 30$. U can get ur torches, nails, silicon containers, basically everything u need for cheap.
If you don't mind a shipping wait, look into They have tons of glass for $30-40 and come complete, you just need a torch.

D020.jpg This is a cheap, popular unit to start with at around $25usd, sold here:;searl|159350998

As far as what to dab, I would say Rosin is the easiest low cost starting point to make yourself, but of course it all depends on what is available around you.
What you will need:
A dab rig- these can be found online or headshops. Search for dabbing rigs on Google should put you on the right track. You will notice most have a male adapter opposed to the usual female on most bongs. This is because the adapter can break with the glass expanding when heating using the usual male fitting inside.

A nail- titanium heats quicker and stays hotter longer. But some cheap ones break down after repeated heating and scraping with the tool. And produce metal vapor you can ingest which isn't good. Quartz takes a little longer to heat, cools quicker but has a cleaner tastes and does not break down over time.
Nail and dome has a slide kinda like a bong bowl but has a hole at the top. Inside is a nail either quartz or titainium. (Don't get glass) you take the slide off heat the nail put the slide back on let it cool slightly and put the wax to the nail.
Domeless is the same just with out the dome /slide. Instead has a hole in the middle of a plate. You heat the plate ,again let it cool a little, then place your wax on the plate. As you hit it will pull all the vapor down into the hole.
-a tool most look like dentist equipment get a cheap one then you will see what you like/want
- and a torch not one from the gas station unless you wanna be sittin there for 5 mins tryna get it hot enough
-some kind of silicon container to hold your delicious concentrates

And your ready to get dabbed da fauq out
First go to dhgate go to app or website. Look under glass recycler and you'll get some sick options from 30-50$ all replicas next get an enail if u really want to get into it. Enail makes all the difference from looking like a much cleaner setup to tasting perfect Everytime. My enail cost me 150$ after tax and the hitman sundae stack replica was like 45$


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I know this isn't really the right category of the forum to ask this but I tried asked in the "toke n talk" section and it didn't go to well, and im hoping someone can kind of point me into the right directions for this and send me to some sites that have good quality dab rig related items where I can get everything I need.
So I've been smoking for a few years but in the past few weeks a lot of my friends have given up smoking straight bud and switched to dabbing. I've taken a few hits from dab rigs bit haven't "operated" one myself yet (the only time I tried to I sort of set my sleeve on fire so I'm a bit intimidated by it now)
So what are concentrates, how do I use a dab rig, what do I need to get to start dabbing, and what's a good website to order a relatively cheap but decent rig?
Advice? Don't do it. Go to church. Stop doing drugs man.