First time grow - White Rhino

Just try to keep the hours of light the same. Light stress will cause some strains to change their name to Herman.

I just pinch the top off. I used to try to get as little as possible, but now I will get the next set of leaves if the top is too small for easy pinching. I smoke a lot of tops in the summertime, so I like to keep putting out a few young plants all along. Some of the younger ones always seem to be healthier at flower time. Might not pull as much weight, but I don't mind smaller plants if I have plenty of them.

Transitioning to Herman would be baaaaaad. Just imagine all the trouble he'd have choosing bathrooms in the south!

So I put on my "I'm so smart" hat and put them under the 60 watt light last night. Had it about 6" from the plants. BAD MOVE. A couple of hours after being under the light all the top leaves were dropping and wilted looking. So after I shite myself I came running up here and started searching on droopy leaves. First couple of things I came across were about water and nutes. Somehow that didn't feel right to me so I kept reading. I finally found a thread where someone had their plants too close to the lights and the stress of it caused them to wilt. Since the light was really the only thing that had changed since before they started to wilt I assumed that it was the light. Not to mention my desire not to have a Herman I turned the light off, went to bed and tossed and turned wondering what I would find in the morning.

So I guess it's as good to be lucky as it is to be smart. Got up this morning and they were back to their normal selves. Hope that two hours of light stress didn't do a gender bender on her.
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As for the "red" in any branching. Some say it's a sign of the "poxyclips" and you have to make feeding corrections.
Nope! Looking at your plants. It's most likely them still stabilizing a bit still. I don't really use any stem/branch coloring as a sign of anything. Far too many other things make a bigger statement to plant health/needs, especially when their this young...

As far as cloning goes. I take clones right at the flip. The idea being, that they have the time to grow and when the first are harvested. The clones you took at the flip, are ready for flower.

Always take clones from as low on the plant as you can. Take the ones that look healthy. Your using the branching that you remove from basic lollypopping to get those clones from. What not from the top of the plant - those nice big healthy as hell looking ones?
The lower ones have less N and certain hormones in them that allow them (the lower ones) to root much faster - In the end I feel that gives you a healthier clone!

Otherwise, your looking ahead of the curve for 1st timers around here!

Good luck

Thank you for your feedback, with everything you have going on right now I appreciate it very much.
So I've tried to call the grower about the red stems, can't get a number for them. I think I'll go back to the dispensary and look at the other White Rhino clones they have and see what color they are before I melt down about what to do. I have moved them outside (they were indoor grow) and repotted them, so lots of reasons they could have for needing to stabilize.

I do need to prune so I'll be taking cuttings earlier, I'd really like to be able to combine those efforts as much as possible.

Lower part of the plant, got it. That said the two lowest nodes are the single leafs that were cut in half at the point my plants were originally made clones. Will a single leaf stem work as a clone? I'll be removing the ones up a node level too, but I'm interested in the lowest ones viability as clones as well.
Thank you for your feedback, with everything you have going on right now I appreciate it very much.
So I've tried to call the grower about the red stems, can't get a number for them. I think I'll go back to the dispensary and look at the other White Rhino clones they have and see what color they are before I melt down about what to do. I have moved them outside (they were indoor grow) and repotted them, so lots of reasons they could have for needing to stabilize.

I do need to prune so I'll be taking cuttings earlier, I'd really like to be able to combine those efforts as much as possible.

Lower part of the plant, got it. That said the two lowest nodes are the single leafs that were cut in half at the point my plants were originally made clones. Will a single leaf stem work as a clone? I'll be removing the ones up a node level too, but I'm interested in the lowest ones viability as clones as well.

If taking clone early in the plants development. WAIT for the plant to be nice and stable first. Let it get a few nodes that are throwing 5 leaf "sets" besides just the new growth at the top... Clone only from those with 5 leaves per for best results.
Journal update AM 5-21
So when I put the plants out today they were very dry, even 1.5 inches down. That was a huge surprise to me. I gave them a feed 3 days ago. Two days ago they spent the day in the rain and basically got a flush from all the rain. Now every other plant that was out, things like flowers and kitchen herbs, were still soaking wet this morning. Since I repotted everything and set up the same drainage for the pots and used the same soil it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me. I make up that it is a combination of the Rhino's being pulled in at night and just being a thirstier plant. That's a guess, who really knows.

So yesterday I ran one gallon of tap water into my watering can,
I used 3 drops of General Hydroponics pH Down to bring the water down to 6.1
I added 1/4 teaspoon of Grandma's unsulphured Molasses
I added 1/4 teaspoon (1/2 the dose they recommend for small/new plants) of General Hydroponics - FloraNova - Grow (7-4-10)
Let it sit/stand outside for 24 hours. I don't really know if the chlorine evaporates out in that time, I've read differing stories about it, but since I had the time I figure that it wouldn't really hurt anything.

I fed both the plants this morning, soaked them until there was water running out of the bottom.

This feeding is a bit earlier than what I had planned in the feed/water schedule. I made the choice to feed a bit early thinking about 2 things 1) With the prior rain the last feed was at least partly flushed. I've read that rain is a bit acidic and that the plants uptake is put on hold during the rain. The acidic nature of the rain loosens nutrients in the soil so after the rain the plant is hungry, the uptake is looking for nutrients as it comes out of it short dormant phase. 2) They will be outside today and it is suppose to rain for a few hours while we are going to be out. I suspect the rain will flush out at least some of the nutes this time as well. Well there is a third reason also, I'm new and excited and I just want to do something with the plants, probably a VERY bad thing, but I think I've safely buttressed my enthusiasm to be in action with the pending rainfall. Sounds good, but I know I could totally be smoking crack on this one. I'm making a note to watch closely for anything that looks like nute burn in the coming days.
If taking clone early in the plants development. WAIT for the plant to be nice and stable first. Let it get a few nodes that are throwing 5 leaf "sets" besides just the new growth at the top... Clone only from those with 5 leaves per for best results.

OK got it, I've got several nodes that are at 5 leaves, but those are high up and most of them are still that light green new grow leaf sets. Thank you
I was worried more about the timing of the light, but if it's too close, it will burn. Is it a 60w led? I've used several of the 23w ones on my garden seedlings. You can put them close {2-3 inches}, but you have to have airflow to keep the heat down.
I was worried more about the timing of the light, but if it's too close, it will burn. Is it a 60w led? I've used several of the 23w ones on my garden seedlings. You can put them close {2-3 inches}, but you have to have airflow to keep the heat down.

It's a 60 watt incandescent I picked up at the local grow shop. Either way it scared me off of putting extra light on them of a night. I'll keep the light as I planned on using it for the clone tray once I start grabbing clones.
Journal update AM 5-22
So I guessed right on the weather yesterday, it just poured down all day. When we got home the plants had been completely flushed with all the rain. I brought them in about 6:00 PM and put them under the 60 watt until 7:30 PM.
I suspect that most of the nutes I had added in the morning were flushed out with all the rain. Not sure, only a guess.
Still cold outside, in the 40's at 6:00 AM, put them under the grow light until 7:30 AM then moved them outside.
Tried to keep the indoor light to about the same hours as the outdoor light, don't want them to go Herman on me.
Not raining, but still coldish. MIGHT get up to 60 today. Overcast skies with some sun breaks.
More new growth, and existing new growth getting larger. They seem to be happy lil fella's.
Downloaded "GrowBuddy" software and setting it up to begin tracking details. Hoping that the software will meet grow needs as the grow gets bigger over time. Price is right (free/donation) we'll see over time.

Funny stuff about herman and bathroom usage.

Something to watch out for-----bugs.

I say that because every time I bring a clone from some other garden-----bugs.

Avid and forbid are my guns of choice.

As for cutting/s plant location----I get the best strike rate from healthy bottom (oldest) branches

Good luck with your grow,

Well so far it looks like the hardest part of this is going to be leaving them alone. I stand and stare at them and think about doing this or that, and then realize they are just fine and don't fix what isn't broken.

Funny stuff about herman and bathroom usage.

Something to watch out for-----bugs.

I say that because every time I bring a clone from some other garden-----bugs.

Avid and forbid are my guns of choice.

As for cutting/s plant location----I get the best strike rate from healthy bottom (oldest) branches

Good luck with your grow,


Thanks, I've wondered about bugs. I've found this one tiny red thing that I flicked off. Thanks for the hint about Avid and Forbid.
OK note to self. Growing outside you have less control over environmentals. Didn't rain most of today, gray day with a few hours of Sun breaks. Just started to rain, so frustrated with wet soil I moved them in and put them under the light. In an effort to keep the number of hours of light consistent I'll shut it off around 7:30.

When it rains for most of the day, many days in a row. It is so hard to get into a rhythm.
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Well another day of grow. Today wasn't a complex day in any way. I put them out at sunrise and I'm sitting around and waiting for the Sun to come down so I can bring them in. I could "probably" leave them out now, it's been over a week of hardening off. However its rained for days and the soil is still very wet. I think if I bring them in to the warm house then the soil will dry more. Tomorrow it is suppose to get sunny again, forecast for high 60's. If we hit 70 I'll leave them out for first time over night. Have to see how the weather goes.

Still getting growth on both plants, a little slower maybe than last week, but still seems to be moving along and no signs that I can of ill effect to the plants.
The plants got put out just before sunrise today. I was hoping for a sunny day, looks like another grey one with possible sun breaks. You know you live in the Pacific Northwest when "sunbreaks" is a thing.
Looked at the weather and it's suppose to be crappy until this weekend. Great news if you work a 9 to 5, bad news if you want to get a rhythm started with your feeding and watering schedules.

I did nearly do a jig this morning as I was looking at the plants. There must be over 20 brand new teeny tiny new leaf buds popping out from the nodes on each of the plants. So until I have a reason to believe otherwise, I'm running with them being healthy and happy so far.

I checked the node that I pinched off to top Eve with the other day. There was a hard bit that I scraped off. Not sure if it was a scab that I should have left there or if she was trying to restart growth there. Either way it's gone now. While Eve seems to be stretching slightly more than Adam, she did just pop out a bunch of new growth on the lower nodes. I'm hopeful that is a trend that will continue.

Adam had been topped when I got her, yesterday I pinched the center part of the top node on one side. I'm thinking that that should create a double from that branching. I'll be watching it as it grows.

Neither plant is getting a bunch taller, a little say somewhere between 1 and 2 inches, but both are bushing up more.

As always, advice/comments/suggests/taunts are welcome.
Wow miracles do happen. It has stopped raining long enough for the little ladies to finally get bone dry. Who knew?

I fed them today with
1/2 teasp of FloraNova Grow
3 drops pH down
1/4 tsp of Molasses.

I fed them 3 days ago so this might be a bad idea to feed now. However they have been totally flushed at least twice by the rain since I fed them. I'm assuming there is no food last the last feeding. I could well be wrong and am going to be looking for nut burn over the next couple of days. On the upside, it is suppose to be raining everyday for the next 3 days, so again Mom nature will probably wash out my mistakes if I've made one by feeding now.

Man did they grow so much today with the sun being out. starting to get nice and bushy. Seems they like the topping(s).

As always, this is my first grow, PLEASE feel free to comment away, and advice is always welcome.
You can read every book ever written about tennis, memorize every single sentence, digest and understand every single concept at a master level, and no matter what you do, you will NEVER be a professional tennis player until long after you actually pick up a racket. Knowing a thing didactically and doing a thing experientially are barely even remotely related.

So I THINK my baby girls are doing well. My experience growing vegetables and flowers says that I'm getting good results. The books say I'm getting good results. And the truth is that I can only make up crapola about the results that I am getting. I don't really know, most importantly, because this is my first grow. Of secondary importance is the fact that I have never grown this strain before. I don't know what is good or mediocre. I don't know what stellar results are for White Rhino. I don't know them for indoor and I don't know them for outdoor. Everything I am doing is really by the seat of my pants.

So today, I was super ecstatic about all the new teeny tiny growth. I see them as brand new little furry leaves at nodes. I "think" that is what they are, sure would love someone to tell me if I am wrong or right about that.

Here are a few of Eve's "teeny tiny" new growths. There are over 20 of these new growths on the 12" plant
5-24 Eve new growth close keeper.PNG
The little bits right at the node, they almost look like furry aphids.

here are a few of Adam's new "teeny tiny" new growths. There are over 20 of these new growths on the 12" plant
5-24 Eve new growth close keeper.PNG

I think they are doing OK, getting lots of bigger growth to make them bushy, many different 5 leave nodes, and Eve is adding nodes between nodes since I topped her and Adam is adding lots of growth to her already bushy self. The two of them have grown over 2 inches taller in the last four days, and 6" taller in the last 10 days, in addition to the augmented internal new growth.

Here is a picture of the two of them together right after I brought them in tonight.
5-24 Adam and eve backsplash.JPG

I am REALLY looking for feedback. I think these are doing very well. I also know that I don't have a comparison data set to compare and contrast. I'd love feedback of ANY sort.


  • 5-24 Adam new growth closeup KEEPER.JPG
    5-24 Adam new growth closeup KEEPER.JPG
    935.7 KB · Views: 14
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The second image is wrong, that is a repeat of Eve new growth, the "attached image" is actually of Adam's new growth.
I think your plants look good but I don't know shit about inside growing.Iam going to try growing a few this winter indoors with help from a good teacher that's on this site but will not say his name..good luck and happy growing to all.just listen to these men on here and you will learn I grantee you that for there is some world class growers on this
I think your plants look good but I don't know shit about inside growing.Iam going to try growing a few this winter indoors with help from a good teacher that's on this site but will not say his name..good luck and happy growing to all.just listen to these men on here and you will learn I grantee you that for there is some world class growers on this

Thanks, but these have been 100% outdoors since I got them 10 days ago. I'm still hardening them off and bring them in at night
put them in the grown in very big holes with lots of good soil feed and water and they will expload.or you will need a lot biger pots..your doing great just listen to theses men and look at othere peoples grows on here and READ lots and you will learn its JUST A WEED YOUR GROWING and so fare your plants look good to