Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I want a dog with an ass of jesus
Funny how yet you have to show me any piece of information countering what I said.

I am now going to school you in the 9/11 inside job thread.

Ha I laugh at your ignorance. Please continue to eat your gmos and keep saying that the government is here to protect us
if earth was a globe rotating on its axis eastward at speeds of over 1000mph (actual information from nasa) how is it possible to see the same stars and the same consolations time and time again?

It's not possible.

We are living on a fixed plane not a spinning globe.

If earth was a globe then how can airplanes fly and land on any airport at any given location with out adjusting thier altitude to adjust to the earths constant rotation?

They don't becuase we are living on a fixed plane.

Simple concrete evidence
I'm just passionate, I get fired up talking about this. I wish people could reply with some information not just silly remarks
Lol "homework" ??

This isnt your post so I can post here freely
Homework is fun-damental to having "some information". RIU is suddenly a-flower with people arguing against their own points!
This has been put to bed for centuries. It's an urban legend that Columbus sailed and people feared the edge of the earth. We knew centuries before that we lived on a sphere. No one worried about it

Here it is 1000 years later and such profound idiocy exists.
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