USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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People spend their disposable income.

And then they blow through their discretionary income like its the cool thing to do.

But I can't hate. I scrape up their lightly used "trash" off craigslist and the like, polish it up and run around like a rock star for 30 cents on the dollar. Suckers.
Inflation will come of it like it never even happened. Prices go up small business dies Walmart and McDonald's thrive. It's not going to change shit they will live great on $15 an hour for a year then reality will set in that your dollar can't buy you a bottle of water. Lol

Do you have any evidence for this? Unless half the population is making minimum, this isn't a mathematically valid argument.

Over 40% of America's income goes to the big Wall Street banks/investment houses. I think that a lil raise for the peons isn't going to sink the ship.
At what point in our history was minimum wage the same as a living wage? As long as I have been around, people that worked minimum wage jobs had to work MULTIPLE minimum wage jobs to make a "living wage".

If it does go up to 15 an hour, I am shutting my business down, getting a stupid job at walmart not doing jack shit and make up my income by selling buds. My life would instantly turn almost entirely stress free.

In the 50s and 60s, before Reaganomics.

You might reconsider, based on the sudden increase in consumer buying power. Your business would be making too much money to shut it down.
Do you have any evidence for this? Unless half the population is making minimum, this isn't a mathematically valid argument.

Over 40% of America's income goes to the big Wall Street banks/investment houses. I think that a lil raise for the peons isn't going to sink the ship.
It will definitely be good for a while but it's just putting a bandaid on an infection. Inflation has been about the worst thing on the economy I can remember getting a dollar from the tooth fairy as a kid and it was worth something 24 years or so later I have to do $5 for the same effect.
It will definitely be good for a while but it's just putting a bandaid on an infection. Inflation has been about the worst thing on the economy I can remember getting a dollar from the tooth fairy as a kid and it was worth something 24 years or so later I have to do $5 for the same effect.

Government forces inflation because it lowers their debts. It is good for government while being bad for the citizens. Just another example of why we need to dismantle washington.
And then they blow through their discretionary income like its the cool thing to do.

But I can't hate. I scrape up their lightly used "trash" off craigslist and the like, polish it up and run around like a rock star for 30 cents on the dollar. Suckers.
see, your spending your disposable income to.
At what point in our history was minimum wage the same as a living wage? As long as I have been around, people that worked minimum wage jobs had to work MULTIPLE minimum wage jobs to make a "living wage".

If it does go up to 15 an hour, I am shutting my business down, getting a stupid job at walmart not doing jack shit and make up my income by selling buds. My life would instantly turn almost entirely stress free.

As a small business owner myself (3 in fact):

You could shut it down, you could sell it, you could hire a full time manager and semi retire or you could just sell more product and maybe make more money.

You could do lots of things but jumping on the idea that "it will destroy me", is incorrect. In fact it may make you and your suppliers and your workers prosper. Its rather simple economics.

And In most (all??) first world countries apart from America the min wage is meant to cover the cost of living and rises with inflation. It helps reduce crime, homelessness and all the other bad things.

Its fair.
As a small business owner myself (3 in fact):

You could shut it down, you could sell it, you could hire a full time manager and semi retire or you could just sell more product and maybe make more money.

You could do lots of things but jumping on the idea that "it will destroy me", is incorrect. In fact it may make you and your suppliers and your workers prosper. Its rather simple economics.

And In most (all??) first world countries apart from America the min wage is meant to cover the cost of living and rises with inflation. It helps reduce crime, homelessness and all the other bad things.

Its fair.

Very well stated.
Im not sure why people think $15 an hr is allot of money. Its not.

You wont be training a monkey to do any jobs so its a silly comparison.
Inflation will come of it like it never even happened. Prices go up small business dies Walmart and McDonald's thrive. It's not going to change shit they will live great on $15 an hour for a year then reality will set in that your dollar can't buy you a bottle of water. Lol

name one business that has had to close its doors due to a minimum wage increase then.
Im not sure why people think $15 an hr is allot of money. Its not.

You wont be training a monkey to do any jobs so its a silly comparison.

I don't think 15 is a lot hourly, but I've got a few friends who bust their ass hanging drywall and installing windows and doors for 17$ an hour.. You can't just make every job 15$ overnight... The cost of living in Louisiana is about half of what it costs to live in Denver or Chicago and 1/3 of NYC or San Francisco..
Because this isn't really happening ...

Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

Wendy’s (WEN) said that self-service ordering kiosks will be made available across its 6,000-plus restaurants in the second half of the year as minimum wage hikes and a tight labor market push up wages.

It will be up to franchisees whether to deploy the labor-saving technology, but Wendy’s President Todd Penegor did note that some franchise locations have been raising prices to offset wage hikes.

Full article >>
Minimum wage is for highschool kids and fuck ups. And you liberals think you are doing the world a solid. Ha laughable.

We need more money for zika
We need more money for poor
We need more money for retards

Greedy fuckers aren't long as it's someone else's money.

on a scale of 1-3.5, how many inches is your erect penis?