Thug pug genetics anyone?

also picked up two, was about to pick up another but they were sold out already so i scooped up a ghost breath. sure glad i was on instagram when greenline posted
Whoever pay over $80 for them is beyond stupid. That dude is the greediest person I know in this business. Gromer crazy for letting him do that.
i agree-but maybe gromer has the same mentality as the greenline dude/team....? i certainly would not want greenline auctioning my gear he "found" for 3+ times the price, that's fucked up.

honestly, just from the various times i've emailed greeline, and just from watching their feed, they seem like the biggest douchebags. seriously, they just seem like rude, greedy assholes.
their email responses are always so snarky; it's like, i am giving you money for a service, i am asking a question, not demanding anything, not asking for anything other than a simple answer; at least be kind to your customers..........

and their recent auctions prove this to be true. i actually asked them in the last auction why not just sell the packs for face, haha. they said this way anyone who missed the initial drop has a chance to grab some of the beans (i laughed, i mean, many others ways to go about it other than selling an $80 pack for $300 or whatever it was....greed, pure and simple).

they do have a nice selection of breeders, but their ethics suck, imo. i wont be giving them my money any longer. i don't dig their style.