doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

More like this lol...."Glory Days"
JJ that cherry pie of yours always looks great SO I got me some sherry pie crossed with gorilla 4 fem seeds from doc,d81 and all 5 seeds sprouted in 18 houres and are now in the cups..I thought I heard a burgler out side and looked out back but hell it was just them plants breaking ground..LOL..I hope mine do half as good as yours or doc,,and I will be pleased next year I will get a earlery start with mine.good luck this year and happy growing and PLEASE keep posting them picters for I love looking at them and dreaming of the day I can grow legal in ky,,
JJ that cherry pie of yours always looks great SO I got me some sherry pie crossed with gorilla 4 fem seeds from doc,d81 and all 5 seeds sprouted in 18 houres and are now in the cups..I thought I heard a burgler out side and looked out back but hell it was just them plants breaking ground..LOL..I hope mine do half as good as yours or doc,,and I will be pleased next year I will get a earlery start with mine.good luck this year and happy growing and PLEASE keep posting them picters for I love looking at them and dreaming of the day I can grow legal in ky,,
You Middlers are always trippin.:mrgreen: