
Now that everyone is done expressing feelin's, it's up to all you to make the forum viable. The main obstacle I see with the forum, is lack of participation. Whatever everyone's reasoning is, the traffic is much lower here than it was a few years ago.

If all you fart knockers want to get things rollin, and not just complain, I'll tryn pull my weight as well. I don't see a lot of fighting in the MI forum, I mainly just don't see many posters. When @TheMan13 stopped posting here regularly, that was a huge letdown to me. I don't blame him, but he seemed to be integral to having healthy activity here. Maybe we can drag back a few other solid regulars and see how it goes. It's like herding cats, perhaps not possible.
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Now that everyone is done expressing feelin's, it's up to all you to make the forum viable. The main reason I see with the forum, is lack of participation. Whatever everyone's reasoning is, the traffic is much lower here than it was a few years ago.

If all you fart knockers want to get things rollin, and not just complain, I'll tryn pull my weight as well. I don't see a lot of fighting in the MI forum, I mainly just don't see many posters. When @TheMan13 stopped posting here regularly, that was a huge letdown to me. I don't blame him, but he seemed to be integral to having healthy activity here. Maybe we can drag back a few other solid regulars and see how it goes. It's like herding cats, perhaps not possible.
Or just be inviting to the new guys and more will come :)
I don't know about you guys but it is Sour Bubble time for me ! Even though this is the Chaos thread, without Sour Bubble in my life it would be chaos ! haha now I just gotta get better at growing so I can have it all the time !
I'm fairly decent at DIY projects if I know exactly what I need.
That's how I am too. I could do it if I had directions lol but this stuff is so costly that if you gotta guess or mess up ,it gets super expensive . I know that is the way you have to learn sometimes " the hard way " and I really want to start switching out my lights to a setup just like that . It seems to be working freaking awesome for Captain Morgan . Your grows and lights are pretty top notch !!
planning on heading wayyy north next summer so I may look into diy cobs more in depth as I'll be building a new grow room from the ground up.
I know all the best sources for parts if your interested,you don't even need to solder anything. There are some good youtube videos on the basics too.
I've checked some of the vids out but it all seemed very foreign to me. When I move and begin building my room I will be watching and learning from those vids. if you want to send me some links for parts I would be very appreciative.
I've checked some of the vids out but it all seemed very foreign to me. When I move and begin building my room I will be watching and learning from those vids. if you want to send me some links for parts I would be very appreciative.

Things change pretty fast with LED tech so what's recommended now may change by next year,might want to study the basics now and not decide on the parts till next year.

Greengenes " DIY Tech Talk " videos are a must for the basics and growmau5 has some great videos too.
i've tried to read through the led sub forum and just got more confused lol as you've said things change pretty quickly with leds. definitely will check out those links thanks