Medical use of cannabis during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
So I'm sittin' here minding my own business last night and my son and daughter in law stopped in and tell me I'm gonna be a grandpa! WTF is up with that? I'm WAY too
Anyway, she is a mmj patient and asked her doc about consumption while pregnant. I was surprised to hear he said it was ok occasionally, but said to use edibles instead of smoking. She wasn't a heavy user to begin with and says she will probably just abstain for 9 months, but it's interesting to hear a doctor say it is okay.
On a side note, I just got back from taking my old dog to the vet...I didn't think I was bringing her home. She has bone cancer and I told him I had been giving her cannabutter in her food for months to help with the pain and he said to continue...didn't bat an eye. Times,...they are a-changin'.
Congrats man. My friends have a 7 year old now. She was a heavy user when she became pregnant and it was one of those surprise deals where she was unaware for the first few months. When she talked to the doctor about it his response was that it would probably be more stressful on the fetus to stop. I believe she reduced the amount she was smoking, but was still a daily user. Said she had no morning sickness, and had the easiest childbirth ever, 2 hrs from the first contraction untill baby was born.

On another note, my wife was at the health food store the other day. She's in there regularly and is friendly with the older woman who runs it. She was picking up some empty capsules and letchin so I could make some hash capsules, but had grabbed the wrong ones. I guess she had the plant based ones that would dissolve once the oil hit them.

Anyway the old woman is ringing up he purchase and stops and says, "are these for cannabis oil?" as she's holding up the capsules. My wife smiles and says yes, for hash oil. Well the lady explains she has the wrong kind as these would dissolve.

When she came home and told me what happened, I said the same thing. Times are a changing, and I couldn't be happier!!!