hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. We went to the park yesterday and walked a good ways up the Willamette river got high as fuck on nibiru and hash. Came home and just chilled the rest of the night. I took some pics but haven't loaded them on the computer.
Got a package in today i was not expecting til tomorrow with today being memorial day but surprise it was on the steps. Some symers and fb to play with. We might be sampling yhe fireballs now;)20160530_112621.jpgwas not thinking they would be open today so yours will hit the road tomorrow buddy
Holy shit guys i just talked to my buddy i met through the neighbors. They all went to the lake yesterday and our nieghbors boat blow up on Dexter lake like 15 minutes after they got there. There son that is my boys friend has been in the hospital all night and just got released. They should be home before long but there boy has some pretty bad burns they still dont know if he will need skin grafts. Damn just goes to show how quick shit can happen that totally changes your life.
Holy shit guys i just talked to my buddy i met through the neighbors. They all went to the lake yesterday and our nieghbors boat blow up on Dexter lake like 15 minutes after they got there. There son that is my boys friend has been in the hospital all night and just got released. They should be home before long but there boy has some pretty bad burns they still dont know if he will need skin grafts. Damn just goes to show how quick shit can happen that totally changes your life.
Sorry to hear that , speedy recovery to the kid .
Well as of now he goes back to the Dr in a week and they will look and see how everything is healing. He was burnt on his arm, side, and face before he could jump off in the water. Miguel got the mom and baby off with his jet sky. Had a 9 month old on there too.
Going to the Dentist this moring going to start fixing what they can before i end up like my memaw and have that shit damn near kill me like her. Had one infected last week but looks like my body already took care of that so hopfully they will start removing shit today. Might be down a couple days we will see. Got a doobie with some of @BobBitchen fireballs and a gram of hash so shouldnt be feeling to much pain when i get there. 20160601_091752.jpgfound a bean in the fireballs bob20160601_091621.jpg