⚠︎ Brother OneHitDone Gone VERTICAL ⇪

Please tell me you seriously don't think all nutrients are the same
It sounds good to say they are all the same but I don't believe they are either.
Wish I had taken some fucking chemistry classes and been smarter ;)
Just looking at something like Flora Nova or Ionic being able to get that Calcium load in the same bottle as the phosphorous you know something is different
Please tell me you seriously don't think all nutrients are the same

Please tell me you don't have a college degree in the sciences and just say that?

26 minerals make up the entire profile of necessary nutrients. PERIOD.

Humics and non mineral boosters and PGRs and enzymes are nice but not strictly necessary.

Follow the advice in the thread and you can find yourself saving easily 90% or more on nutrition for your plants.
It sounds good to say they are all the same but I don't believe they are either.
Wish I had taken some fucking chemistry classes and been smarter ;)
Just looking at something like Flora Nova or Ionic being able to get that Calcium load in the same bottle as the phosphorous you know something is different

Then do yourself a favor and start listening to those who DID get their chemistry degrees.

Or, keep listening to the 'bruh' science, which is all that hydro store water bottled nutes are about.

Besides, why on earth would you ever NOT want to know exactly what you're pouring in your plants, anyway?!
Please tell me you don't have a college degree in the sciences and just say that?

26 minerals make up the entire profile of necessary nutrients. PERIOD.

Humics and non mineral boosters and PGRs and enzymes are nice but not strictly necessary.

Follow the advice in the thread and you can find yourself saving easily 90% or more on nutrition for your plants.
Not saying I believe they contain magical minerals, but there are different ways to get those same minerals to the plant as far as the components of the solution
Not saying I believe they contain magical minerals, but there are different ways to get those same minerals to the plant as far as the components of the solution

No, there aren't; that mineral is either water soluble and thus 'available' or it isn't and is thus 'unavailable' without further breakdown in the soil- this is the basic difference between organics and hydroponics.

HOW that mineral is made water soluble varies, but only slightly- and it doesn't affect uptake or availability.
Ionic falls short on well water thinking of getting some ro water integrated to see if filtering out the bicarbonates will boost calcium mobility.
Because without N the plants can't uptake the other nutes......?

No, because the only way to get calcium in solution is as calcium nitrate. Nitrogen!

Then, to make magnesium compatible you can't use epsom salt because the sulphur would flocculate with the calcium and precipitate out of solution as calcium sulfate, aka gypsum, or the same stuff drywall is made of.

Instead, they use mag nitrate... whaddayaknow, more nitrogen!

So NOW you know why things green up so much when you use it- it's not from what's on the label, it's from what they DON'T tell you about it.

Do you like running your garden by guesswork? I don't. And I don't recommend it.
No, because the only way to get calcium in solution is s calcium nitrate.

Then, to make magnesium compatible you can't use epsom salt because the sulphur would flocculate with the calcium and perchlorate out of solution as calcium sulfate, aka gypsum, or the same stuff drywall is made of.

Instead they use mag nitrate.

So NOW you know why things green up so much when you use it- it's not from what's on the label, it's from what they DON'T tell you about it.

Do you like running your garden by guesswork? I don't.

Thank you I figured I was about to learn something.
Just get yourself one of these going and let the soil do the work ;)

I'm totally planting something like that here in Colorado when I get the chance.

My grandparents, depression and Dust Bowl survivors both, planted all sorts of edibles around their house, from a huge garden to apple trees, a black walnut tree, various berries and more.

It kept them healthy, in shape and more money in their pocket- and us grandkids, too! Not a bad return on the investment of decorating their home with edible plants.