What are these holes in my dwc plants?


So i have four plants and only one has these holes. They are grown indoor in a dwc setup. Ph usually between 5.5 and 6.0, sometimes gets to about 6.2 or 6.3. About a couple weeks ago my ph meter hadn't arrived and when it did the ph was over 7, almost 8. Temps are between 76 to 79 F during day and nights between 65 and 68F. I've only used about 1/4 to 1/2 strength botanicare pure blend pure grow nutes with full liquid karma strength. I don't see any little bugs or nothing so what could it be? Also if you notice the leaves have four blades instead of just three or five like I normally see. Don't know if this is normal or not.20160528_163214.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like it could use a little more food N specifically. Dont worry too much about every little odd shaped leaf or set. They grow more blades as they mature 3,5,7,9


Looks like it could use a little more food N specifically. Dont worry too much about every little odd shaped leaf or set. They grow more blades as they mature 3,5,7,9
Ah ok. Yea I thought about maybe adding more but didn't want to burn them. I also noticed the stems have some purple on them on the top side but the underside seems green? Does that have to do with the N deficiency?

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Ah ok. Yea I thought about maybe adding more but didn't want to burn them. I also noticed the stems have some purple on them on the top side but the underside seems green? Does that have to do with the N deficiency?
It probably has to do with imbalance, bump up the N a bit and see how she does overall, go by overall vigor first.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say. You really just need to inspect plants and area. If you have bugs you should be able to find one