Why are Republicans so scared of Hillary Clinton?

If she would let Bill do the work it would be cool. But that beeyatch won't listen...Who gives a shit about benganzi. Does everyone know / care about Bengazi. whats up with that. I just figured it out after pretending i knew what she did for ever..lol That's all they are bitching bout. BUT They are both ALIENS! Cocieted, PRIVLIDGED. top eschelon.... They don't give a shit, but they are VERY SIMILAR...oh I could count the ways. I bet hes fucked her. They have no idea what life is like for human. There is a documentary on pres ford (Watergate nixons vp.. WHERE ARE THE MEN WITH BALLS GONEave no jimmy carters, no Kennidies, betty Ford:). , I am not political but I am becoming more so. who would legalize it, rump and collect the $ ..IDK. Trum IS KUTH LESS!.its going to be crazy but I just watched ford debate carter. All my friends/fam are like "Hillary will break us" but they don't say why. I am from Atlanta and you would not believe how good a man he is. My Dad is like trump. He's shallow. He not cultured. He's "Nuevo riche". I drive the people on their boats.... I ME am a tax paying - starting a small business.... 40 year old. who is bests 4 me?

Too many times she's lied and been exposed. I'm a conservative, and not ashamed to say that there's no way in hell this country can afford to have another four years of this party in office. It astounds me that so many want our country socialised.

I'm all for helping those that can't help themselves but people need to understand someone, somewhere HAS to foot the bill, and it's on all of us, whether they understand that or not. Its great to help those who at least try to help themselves, another to encourage entitlement among those who don't want to earn their own way, which is exactly where this country's at right now.
Yeah, that whole socialism shit kind of bugs me really all I like about Sanders is legalization of marijuana, taxing the rich and money out of politics. I'm also for free healthcare sure we will pay for it but I don't feel right someone's child dieing because the parents can't afford 100k in surgeries but I would take a boat to Columbia if I had that problem I would be armed to the teeth too cause ain't nobody going to stop me.
I'm not scared of her, just wary. If she gets in the oval office, we're all screwed...how the last 8 years of this nonsense hasn't registered to be bad for the economy in the general public's minds is another mystery to me.
Luckily this section of rolli doesnt represent the whole forum, let alone the usa.
I'd say that the majority of Americans are idiots, and the majority of the idiots will vote Republican, which is against their own best interests.

But they're too stupid to figure that out for themselves!

I'd say it's all a big fucking sham for those who have the money and the power to perpetuate the slavery we all participate in.
I'd say that the majority of Americans are idiots, and the majority of the idiots will vote Republican, which is against their own best interests.

But they're too stupid to figure that out for themselves!

The right went too far.
It will be either Clinton or Sanders
The only way this election is lost is if Sanders didn't get the nomination and sabotages the democratic party by running independent

Independents are scared too. Watching this right now, pretty interesting.

we get it. you are scared of hillary.

the only time you ever post in here is to tell us how scared you are of her.

yet you never list a single policy disagreement, and anything you have said about her applies to a mnuch worse degree for trump.

so we are forced to conclude that you are a scared little misogynist.

sorry you are such a coward.
We'll see.

we already know.

there are not enough racist white losers like you to tilt this election. there is no way for a republican to get elected unless they stop being so damn racist.

demographics are pretty simple. when 75% of hispanics and 70% of women hate your racist tool of a candidate, there is nowhere else to go for votes.
we get it. you are scared of hillary.

the only time you ever post in here is to tell us how scared you are of her.

yet you never list a single policy disagreement, and anything you have said about her applies to a mnuch worse degree for trump.

so we are forced to conclude that you are a scared little misogynist.

sorry you are such a coward.

Yet another brilliant assumption . How the hell do you jump to misogynist from anything I have posted on this board ? As I have answered you every time, I think she is a lying decieptful shitty person, has nothing to do with sex. This is a politics board, Im here stating my opinion just like everyone else.

How about you?
you are the crusader against racism and call out anyone for their racism and bigotry even when its not there, watch this one and then tell us how you support Hillary. Watch then tell us you defend her (6:50 is nice) and support her, and will vote for her after all the trolling you do to folks here. Why are you such a bully bro? Name calling and trolling man that's what you come to RUI for? lol You seem like a hateful little guy, I didn't mean to upset you by posting things about hillary, but thought it was interesting. I did not know some of the things that were in that video, so I shared it here.
Now heres the one I was asking about, justify Hillary to us, why will she make a good president?
Yet another brilliant assumption . How the hell do you jump to misogynist from anything I have posted on this board ? As I have answered you every time, I think she is a lying decieptful shitty person, has nothing to do with sex. This is a politics board, Im here stating my opinion just like everyone else.

How about you?
you are the crusader against racism and call out anyone for their racism and bigotry even when its not there, watch this one and then tell us how you support Hillary. Watch then tell us you defend her (6:50 is nice) and support her, and will vote for her after all the trolling you do to folks here. Why are you such a bully bro? Name calling and trolling man that's what you come to RUI for? lol You seem like a hateful little guy, I didn't mean to upset you by posting things about hillary, but thought it was interesting. I did not know some of the things that were in that video, so I shared it here.
Now heres the one I was asking about, justify Hillary to us, why will she make a good president?
Who do you suggest would be a better president and why?
she is a lying decieptful shitty person

so is every candidate for president ever.

and you still haven't named a single policy disagreement.

you are just a woman hating coward.

sorry you are such a pussy.

Why are you such a bully bro?


i have not even gone after you. i've handled you with kid gloves.

it's not so much that i am a bully, rather it is that you are just weak.
Who do you suggest would be a better president and why?

Anyone would make a better president, because anyone would be more trustworthy. I think Bernie would run away with it if he gets the nomination, both Hillary and Trump are shitty shitty choices. I am not a Bernie fan really but man he seems like the ONLY choice.
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so is every candidate for president ever.

and you still haven't named a single policy disagreement.

you are just a woman hating coward.

sorry you are such a pussy.


i have not even gone after you. i've handled you with kid gloves.

it's not so much that i am a bully, rather it is that you are just weak.

Hahaa sorry man, not "why are you bullying me?" lol I don't give a fuck , I kind of meant why do you just come here and kill on folks every day. All good man , being called a pussy by someone who sits at a compute for untold hours bullying people on a pot forum doesn't really matter to me much. and woman hater , all good bro hahaa

Ill vote Trump just to opposer her if she is the nominee.
Anyone would make a better president, because anyone would be more trustworthy. I think Bernie would run away with it if he gets the nomination, both Hillary and Trump are shitty shitty choices. I am not a Bernie fan really but man he seems like the ONLY choice.

hillary votes with bernie 93% of the time.

so why so dumb then?