Im confuse do i grind up my weed to smoke it with a pipe?

don't suck too hard.. the first few smokes out of a new pipe you've got a good chance of sucking up some ash, or even weed..
the more you smoke out of it and use it, a bunch of gook will build up and fill the hole, usually stopping one from sucking in ash and or bud, but not always..
check your sink faucet.. unscrew the end piece where the water comes out, often times, there's a metal screen in the end of the faucet to prevent debris coming up. usually you can take a pointy object and get the screen out and put it in a pipe..
don't suck too hard.. the first few smokes out of a new pipe you've got a good chance of sucking up some ash, or even weed..
the more you smoke out of it and use it, a bunch of gook will build up and fill the hole, usually stopping one from sucking in ash and or bud, but not always..
check your sink faucet.. unscrew the end piece where the water comes out, often times, there's a metal screen in the end of the faucet to prevent debris coming up. usually you can take a pointy object and get the screen out and put it in a pipe..
Haha reminds me of the good old days. Parents would always wonder what the hell happened to all the screens!
New pipes come with the hazard of eating some weed/ash. Pull gently, and let that first coat of resin form inside, thats your filter.

Dry shitty weed will be an issue, but decent weed properly cured when ground up won't suck thru on you... kinda like how it wont crumble out the end of a joint... the moisture and sticky holds it together as one cohesive mass of burning goodness....

After 10-15 good uses, a glass pipe is good to go...

If its wood.... you 'can' screen it.... but same rules apply as glass, not really needed...

If its a metal pipe... get rid of that garbage, this isn't the 70's, leave the metal pipes for moving water... get a glass piece, they are dirt cheap and available at corner gas stations these days...

Taste your weed, not the pipe...
I make my own pipes from a one-inch thick board of mahogany found tearing a house down. Can you imagine using mahogany for 18" x 40" shelves? Anyway, I make the bowl the right size to accommodate a dime-sized bud. I try not to have to grind up anything. But I'm lucky to have a large enough yields I just go through and pick out dime-sized buds for my pipe.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Cannabis flower that has been properly dried and cured will still have some stickyness/moistness to it, enough to ensure that whatever you pack into your pipe will not just crumble to dust and fall through the hole.

You can also use a screen, find a pipe with a smaller bowl hole, or just don't pull as hard when you smoke from your pipe. I hardly ever accidentally inhale debris from smoking a pipe.

Or you can just grind your bud up with your fingers into big chunks and put them in the pipe.

All of it works.
I finally bought a decent vaporizer.

It does flower, oil and wax. Less than a $100. I can vape days before it needs charging.

I said I would never go back to a pipe. Though I do still smoke one. Nothing like smoking a bowl after a break and how stoned it makes you.

I agree with what was stated except the robbing random screens. It is unsafe to smoke from certain metals.

Believe it or not aluminium is a horrible metal to smoke from.
I finally bought a decent vaporizer.

It does flower, oil and wax. Less than a $100. I can vape days before it needs charging.

I said I would never go back to a pipe. Though I do still smoke one. Nothing like smoking a bowl after a break and how stoned it makes you.

I agree with what was stated except the robbing random screens. It is unsafe to smoke from certain metals.

Believe it or not aluminium is a horrible metal to smoke from.

man, idk if it's just me or what, but a few years ago when vapes were pretty much just becoming some what popular, i went out and bought an arizer v tower or w/e that thing is called.. spent a good couple of hundred bucks on the extreme pack, had the hand held one as well as the tower one included, but idk man, i just don't feel like i get nearly as high from vaping as i do from combustion.. sure, it's supposed to be better for you, yadda yadda yadda, but mine's been sitting under my bed collecting dust bunnies for a few good years now..
my dog when she was a pup managed to get her mouth on the hand held one and ate a few pieces off of the thing.. not really ate per se, but just chewed them up enough to make it inoperable.. i've not gotten around to ordering the new parts for it..
man, idk if it's just me or what, but a few years ago when vapes were pretty much just becoming some what popular, i went out and bought an arizer v tower or w/e that thing is called.. spent a good couple of hundred bucks on the extreme pack, had the hand held one as well as the tower one included, but idk man, i just don't feel like i get nearly as high from vaping as i do from combustion.. sure, it's supposed to be better for you, yadda yadda yadda, but mine's been sitting under my bed collecting dust bunnies for a few good years now..
Really? What if you take long tolerance breaks? If i leave the vaporizor alone for a few years i can get pretty lit of a few grams but the following week takes me double the amount to feel the same way. I hear everyone talking about how vaping gets you the highest but my bongs say otherwise and they NEVER fail me when it comes to getting medicated to the point of satisfaction
Back when I used to use screens I would go to home depot and buy a pair of stainless washer strainers.
Get a wire cutter and pull off the rubber outer washer then make the mesh flat.
I would heat it up to burn off any excess rubber or coatings then cut the screen to size.

Just build your bowl right and your good break it up to 6 pieces or so and fit it in there like a puzzle it'll taste better and burn slower doesn't allow u to kill the bowl like grinding it does it's more for flavor
Really? What if you take long tolerance breaks? If i leave the vaporizor alone for a few years i can get pretty lit of a few grams but the following week takes me double the amount to feel the same way. I hear everyone talking about how vaping gets you the highest but my bongs say otherwise and they NEVER fail me when it comes to getting medicated to the point of satisfaction

i'm the same spl, my roor always gets me the highest, then maybe bowl or joints / blunts, and vapes doing the least for me..
i think i'm going to pull out the vape now you mention the t breaks as i've been on one for awhile now looking for work again, so i'm going to see what happens when i take a few bags from it.. i'll let you know..