getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

View attachment 3694305 View attachment 3694307 View attachment 3694304 we have been humping dirt and transplanting since 3am this morning guerilla growing in a big blow down is hard on the old body but as a team that's knows what their job is.. we get it done pretty quick had to bring in the big pump today hill is pretty steep full of blown down trees ideal spot for a guerilla grow if ya can handle the terrain getting it all set up its all done now lol when me and crew invade a spot we set up a complete farm with seeral thousand gallons of water in tarps 2 pumps and solar panels running things its not bad lots of cussing getting it done but now we get to relax for a couple days crew is glad and me and momma are sore as hell but happy its all out safe .
Looking good. I like how you used the soil bag as a grow bag. If a company would sell soil in camo bags, growers would use it, just to have a free grow bag out of the deal.
View attachment 3695110 my daughter found this bottle of rum still full from long time ago in the old wood chopping haha somebody was here before from the old days drinking !! that patch is blessed by the pirates from yesteryear
sweet jug ya got there,that was high quilaty rum back in the day its was distilled here in new England not sure what state,it was made up to the 40s-50s,they started back late 1800s, looks like u got a old one detail is very nice the later ones not so much ,I have been digging old bottles for few years:bigjoint:
sweet jug ya got there,that was high quilaty rum back in the day its was distilled here in new England not sure what state,it was made up to the 40s-50s,they started back late 1800s, looks like u got a old one detail is very nice the later ones not so much ,I have been digging old bottles for few years:bigjoint:[/QUOTE

ya a big tree blew over and it was sticking butt first out the bottom of the roots about 4 ft high of the ground the tree had to grow around the bottle the bottle is 3/4 full of rum that is just like mollasas lol.