I've done both. Only tied them to the top of the net once and never done or will do it again.
Scrog them under.
You're not going to be bending over and eventually putting dozens if not over 100 ties down every few days with a hot ass lamp over your head. The net already does that FOR you. You're doing nothing but adding another step to the process.
You'll be bending branches and tying them down on top of one another. At VERY awkward angles in the end. Once those branches swell and they're trying to push up the major stress points will be right where you tied them and not spead out along a net. You WILL have breakage.
Or maybe even better because I'm tr
Nope nope nope stop right there and read my above statement. Once you get some splittage going on from a branch very close and coming out of the main stem everything attached to it is going to suffer. Aka the chain reaction of colas from said branch will suffer. It hinders things if anything and effects it negatively.
Easier in that I have to do less work?
Also yes. Double and even triple yes.
On top of all this during my experiment there was loads of underdeveloped buds due to being shaded by branches being tied over. In the end it turned out to be a good 5 ounces of very mediocre product. Fluffy, small and didn't pack on the swell like everything else did. Now 5 ounces of mediocre product out of a 3x3 area is a lot of dope. Especially with a just a single 600 watter over it. Those 5 ounces of fluffy buds would have easily been 9-10 ounces of fat/dense 1.5 to 2 gram nuggets just like the rest of the developed nugs were all across the board from it. The whole perk to a scrog is that you DON'T get larfy or even fluffy buds.