What did you accomplish today?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Grazie, can't wait. Beans are under appreciated in this society
Not trying to sound all up my own ass, but trust me SM you'd love my ranchero beans. Y'all have seen my cooking, but ya ain't seen't when I go hard on my native shit! My Mexican food can't be fucked with.

But honestly, It was yo peeps that really got me into cooking. I love the shit outta Italian food. I'll bust out with some Italian food here soon. I love Italian enchiladas(manicotti) but I've still got room for improvement on my risotto and gnocchi though.


Well-Known Member
I'll talk about one more trance or I'm not sure what to call it. It happens when hunting. Mainly with stalking. As you move silently, game in sight. Breathing slows, heart quickens. You know what's coming. Several emotions hit you at once. Happy and thankful for the food. Sad for the kill.

You can get pretty zen when sitting and hunting. Not move or make a sound for hours. Nothing but wilderness and wildlife. No traffic, people or distractions.

I love going even if I don't get something.

A day with no phone, no body talking, no noise. Free to sit in silence and get lost in your thoughts.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'll talk about one more trance or I'm not sure what to call it. It happens when hunting. Mainly with stalking. As you move silently, game in sight. Breathing slows, heart quickens. You know what's coming. Several emotions hit you at once. Happy and thankful for the food. Sad for the kill.

You can get pretty zen when sitting and hunting. Not move or make a sound for hours. Nothing but wilderness and wildlife. No traffic, people or distractions.

I love going even if I don't get something.

A day with no phone, no body talking, no noise. Free to sit in silence and get lost in your thoughts.
In the zone. I've experienced it while test taking and flying, odd I know.


Well-Known Member
for whatever reason i was expecting it to be colder in dc than fucking texas.. ugh hopefully this rain comes good and soon.

none of thats an accomplishment i guess, just complaining

lets see how much blue powerade it takes to make my shit green..theres an accomplishment
U seeem so mormal.to me man.


Well-Known Member

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
How'd that work out for you? :)
Cleaveland is obviously better then the raptors, I just wanted the raptors to pull something out of their asses. Oh well.. warriors will get it done the way they did last year. In my heart though I really want Durant and Westbrook to win one. It's their last chance.