What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I got maybe 1 hour of sleep.

Might go finiah the lawn then take a proper sleep.

I figure sun is rising so finish what I gotta do and sleeping doesn't ruin my day.

Too hot to sleep. Hate humidity ao much


Well-Known Member
Finished transplanting and seeding the garden just before the rain moved in, couldn't of timed it better. :smile:

Growing corn, tomatoes, peppers, peas, radish, onions, carrots, brussel sprouts, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, and potatoes.

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I just did the exact same thing. Looking forward to harvest. I'm exhausted.



Ursus marijanus
for whatever reason i was expecting it to be colder in dc than fucking texas.. ugh hopefully this rain comes good and soon.

none of thats an accomplishment i guess, just complaining

lets see how much blue powerade it takes to make my shit green..theres an accomplishment
From what i remember, late May/early June can be VERY variable weather in the DC area.