What did you consumer fucks buy today?

Eight or ten years ago I bought a 32 Degrees Cool shirt at a thrift store. I fell in love with it and it quickly became my everyday next to my skin walking shirt. About five years ago my wife started trying to get me to throw it away. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's procrastination. But the neck was really stretched and there are a few holes in it, so last month I started looking at them online. I found out they also make a long sleeved Heat shirt with the same basic materials. So I am now the proud owner of four Cool shirts and two Heat shirts. Around 25 bucks for the four pack, and 20 for the two pack.

Also last hiking season there was a lot of talk about fishnet base layers. There are pictures of Hillary wearing one on his little mountain climbing adventure in 1953, so it is not new by any means. There is only one company from Norway that is selling the real deal in the states. But a top and bottom will set you back 150 dollars. So I shopped for see through mesh shirts instead. One of which I bought for about 10 bucks and wore for the first time today, paired with one of the Heat shirts. It was really toasty. I did not work up a sweat, so don't really know if it's as good at wicking as advertised.
My wife's laptop has been overheating and shutting off, so after a couple of weeks of holding a small fan under it while she used it, she switched all her crap over to her newish spare. Then the charging cable stopped working, so. . . . . Amazon to the rescue. It came in two days, and she was able to pay bills and such. About 12 bucks.
Last week I picked up another pair of thrift store underwear for fifty cents. They are Puritan, 100% poly with a button up fly. My wife has told me to stop talking about my underwear so much, that it makes her friends uncomfortable. Which really hits with me. So I've decided the best way to make more people uncomfortable is to start a you tube underwear try on channel. Working title so far is Larry's Junk Drawer. I got format inspiration from a nice southern girl who titled one of her videos Huge Underwear Hall. It's true that the education system did let her down, but her genetics were still holding firm. So the format will be underwear try on (in) hall. Down at the riverhouse there is sort of hall with a countertop where I can set up the camera on one side and add on closets across from it. I'll let y'all know when I go live.
Today I bought a pair Marmot rain pants at the Goodwill. Seven fifty with tax. I googled them when I got home and they start at a hundred bucks. Not too bad.

And I got tired of waiting for a thrift store Town Shirt sun hoodie and bought one by Jum Gear, a cheap Chinese brand from Amazon for ten bucks. It came in today. It's an extra large, and a large would have been better. Chinese brands tend to run small, but not this time. I'll wash and dry and see if it shrinks. If not I may buy the large.
Last week I picked up another pair of thrift store underwear for fifty cents. They are Puritan, 100% poly with a button up fly. My wife has told me to stop talking about my underwear so much, that it makes her friends uncomfortable. Which really hits with me. So I've decided the best way to make more people uncomfortable is to start a you tube underwear try on channel. Working title so far is Larry's Junk Drawer. I got format inspiration from a nice southern girl who titled one of her videos Huge Underwear Hall. It's true that the education system did let her down, but her genetics were still holding firm. So the format will be underwear try on (in) hall. Down at the riverhouse there is sort of hall with a countertop where I can set up the camera on one side and add on closets across from it. I'll let y'all know when I go live.

Used underwear? :lol:
Used underwear? :lol:
Yes, I'm saving the world by not buying anything new that can be bought used. 92M tons of clothing ends up in landfills each year, and I'm doing all I can not to add to that. Although I have bought more new stuff in the last couple three months than I have in years. Some things like the Cool Shirts, Heat Shirts and Cuddl Duds just don't show up at thrift stores.

But about the used underwear ick, most thrift stores wash all their stuff before putting it out for sell, but in case they don't, I have a washing machine here on the Sandhill. I don't have to do like Frosty Toes at Standing Bear. . . .

Yes, I'm saving the world by not buying anything new that can be bought used. 92M tons of clothing ends up in landfills each year, and I'm doing all I can not to add to that. Although I have bought more new stuff in the last couple three months than I have in years. Some things like the Cool Shirts, Heat Shirts and Cuddl Duds just don't show up at thrift stores.

But about the used underwear ick, most thrift stores wash all their stuff before putting it out for sell, but in case they don't, I have a washing machine here on the Sandhill. I don't have to do like Frosty Toes at Standing Bear. . . .

Santa brought me some of these Manmade underwear. They're very comfortable with a decent fly for ready access to your johnson and hold everything in place. As a youngster I was lead to believe that if you don't support your nads, that they'll end up getting dunked while sitting on the toilet when you get older - so I support having support for the boys. Saxx are also decent underwear.

Yes, I'm saving the world by not buying anything new that can be bought used. 92M tons of clothing ends up in landfills each year, and I'm doing all I can not to add to that. Although I have bought more new stuff in the last couple three months than I have in years. Some things like the Cool Shirts, Heat Shirts and Cuddl Duds just don't show up at thrift stores.

But about the used underwear ick, most thrift stores wash all their stuff before putting it out for sell, but in case they don't, I have a washing machine here on the Sandhill. I don't have to do like Frosty Toes at Standing Bear. . . .

I do like the thrifting and trading clothes with friends

Bras don't have much of a problem with either but don't think I could do underwear

The type I wear goes too far up my butt :eek: