IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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I use a low 3.5 foot high, 15 inches wide and 8.75 foot long space to do my growing. T5 seems to have the best choice thus far for that space. Since I use the Jumpstart modular T5 I can get 12 4 foot lamps in their (it is a upstairs area back behind the walls where the roof arcs down). I rigged up a fantech 200 that is rated at 400 cfm to keep things cool. I think I could probably get my weight up is I were to use something that puts of less heat than 12 4' t5 lamps. Is there any LED that I can put 4-6 inches away from the plants and is good for that foot print? Needless to say the low overhead is the limiting factor- that and the rude inlaws that require my having to use a hidden area. Last time they visited they gave a 30 minute notice they were dropping by.
I use a low 3.5 foot high, 15 inches wide and 8.75 foot long space to do my growing. T5 seems to have the best choice thus far for that space. Since I use the Jumpstart modular T5 I can get 12 4 foot lamps in their (it is a upstairs area back behind the walls where the roof arcs down). I rigged up a fantech 200 that is rated at 400 cfm to keep things cool. I think I could probably get my weight up is I were to use something that puts of less heat than 12 4' t5 lamps. Is there any LED that I can put 4-6 inches away from the plants and is good for that foot print? Needless to say the low overhead is the limiting factor- that and the rude inlaws that require my having to use a hidden area. Last time they visited they gave a 30 minute notice they were dropping by.
Absolutely. You could build Heatsink USA type DIY with CXB3590's. You could do 48" bars with 4-8 on each depending on how hard you run them. For your space though, I'd suggest more cobs ran less hard @700ma.
Keep in mind you can fit way more on a 700ma driver, but can still get 700ma out of any driver that is higher (1050,1400,1750,2100) you just have to dim them. But the problem is that you can fit less and less cobs on these drivers the higher the amperage is.
I use a low 3.5 foot high, 15 inches wide and 8.75 foot long space to do my growing. T5 seems to have the best choice thus far for that space. Since I use the Jumpstart modular T5 I can get 12 4 foot lamps in their (it is a upstairs area back behind the walls where the roof arcs down). I rigged up a fantech 200 that is rated at 400 cfm to keep things cool. I think I could probably get my weight up is I were to use something that puts of less heat than 12 4' t5 lamps. Is there any LED that I can put 4-6 inches away from the plants and is good for that foot print? Needless to say the low overhead is the limiting factor- that and the rude inlaws that require my having to use a hidden area. Last time they visited they gave a 30 minute notice they were dropping by.

Look at nextlight or fluence.

3.5 feet is really tight. A cxb3590 light bar uses too much height, and ideally should have 12 inches of clearance to the canopy.
Hi guys, new to growing and eager to learn more, we're looking at these LED lights for a very small-scale grow (2 or 3 plants, no more). The whole space is about 2 foot wide by 3 foot high, give or take an inch or two.

Will these lights be enough? https://www.amazon.co.uk/XJLED-36-L...625413&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=grow+light&psc=1
As I've recently found out LED is not a cheap route at the moment at least. You're looking to multiple that cost by at least 10 to start to get close to a solution.

I'd be looking at something like this at least.

It's not hard. They're all over the place. Contradicting themselves. Telling people whatever they think they want to hear, even if it makes no sense.
What I wanna know is why you're all over them?
Every e-mail & post screams SHADY to me.
I just feel like they offer cxb3070's and cree monos to beginner growers for a pretty damned decent price. That's all.
Hey if it's really 3ft high, not wide, strips are a good idea. Just not those, probably.

I'd love to build up some Samsung strips in a nice holder/heatsink like that. Just haven't had time to figure out the pieces. I'd like a nice 50W fluoro replacement for my kitchen herbs, maybe a nice lettuce garden. And you could grow weed.
No. And you are missing a dimension.

Oh okay, a friend recommended them so I thought it would be fine, but wanted to check. Glad I did! Just out of curiosity, why is it that those lights won't work?

Sorry about missing dimension - depth is about 1 and a half feet. It's a smallish space, but it'll do for a start.
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Does anyone have a link to a Good, affordable heatsink for cxb3590 at 1750mA. Found the iceled 550 but wanted to see if anyone else found anything better or had any experience with these. I haven't built anything, yet but sure want to. Looking for Any advice. Thanks in advance
Does anyone have a link to a Good, affordable heatsink for cxb3590 at 1750mA. Found the iceled 550 but wanted to see if anyone else found anything better or had any experience with these. I haven't built anything, yet but sure want to. Looking for Any advice. Thanks in advance
Do you want pin sinks or extruded?
If you're new to led & need help choosing, do NOT buy a Hydroponics Hut Pro-Grow.
-Hydroponics Hut PGX5-500 = 7.8 oz / .44 GPW
-Amare Tech SE-450 = 18.4 oz / 1.12 GPW
- GG#4 x3 , 4'x4'
Hydroponics Hut is also a shitty company all around.
Amare is great!
More documented real time grows to come soon.
In the mean time, my 40watt Utility-Tech , 4000K LED image.jpg shop light is good for producing about an extra 2 oz. in the HPS room.
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